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甜菜黃化毒病(Corium betae Holmes)在內蒙甜菜栽培区流行,其中以沙而沁甜菜試驗場附近最严重。1956年部分地区的受病达50—90%,而一般年份为10—20%。在内蒙桃蚜(Myzus persicae Sulz.)是主要的传毒媒介。用这种蚜虫在8月30日接种,到9月5日已全部发病,潛育期为30天左右。在內蒙地区病害的症状在6月中旬至7月上旬开始在田間出現,到8月中下旬至9月上旬达到最高峯。根据測定,1953年Aj_1品种在9月下旬病株的含糖量降低13.2%。1954年PZHR_1品种的含糖量降低27.7%至31.4%。1956年測定PZHR_1病株根重降低25%。甜菜黄化毒病的传布主要是从带病的采种株上蔓延出来。根据一块靠近种株的甜菜地的調查,距离采种田9米以內的发病为52.8%,102米处为10.2%,以后愈远愈少。从大面积来看,1956年沙而沁采种区內当时的发病率为30—50%;3.5—4公里处为5—10%,6—7公里处为0—2%。如果距离之內有小块的采种田,那么在7.5公里处尚有发病株3—6%。发病的百分率随采种区面种的扩大而有增加的趋势。桃蚜的活动与发病的关系密切。1956年在沙而沁地区对于有翅桃蚜的观察,見到从6月下旬起到10月上旬之間,有翅桃蚜的发生有两个高峯:一个在7月中旬,另一个在9月中旬。按照黄化毒病的潛育期来推算,7月中旬有翅蚜的大发生,与8月中旬田间病情达到最高峯,显然有密切的关系。預期9月中旬的侵染不能使甜菜当年表現症状,但是給采种母根增加了感病百分率而在第二年的采种田內表現出来。品种間对黄化毒病的反应显然有差别。从54个品种的初步調查来看,发病率在10%以下的有4个品种:Aj_3,PZHR_4,Rogow C和杂种19号。1956年在內蒙大量栽培的M品种是一个非常感病的品种。发病率在33.3%左右。整个观察中发病率在10—25%之间的有44个品种;发病率在26—37.1%之間的有6个品种。认为抗病品种的选育是值得重视的。由調查研究得出結論:原料甜菜的栽培应与采种甜菜隔离至少10公里以上才能安全,同时,在这10公里的范围內不能?嫒魏蔚男∑芍种辍? Corium betae Holmes is endemic in the beet cultivation area of ​​Inner Mongolia, among which the sandy beetroot beet is the worst near the test site. In some parts of 1956, the disease was 50-90%, while the average year was 10-20%. Myzus persicae Sulz. Is the main vector of transmission. With this aphid inoculation on August 30, to September 5 have all the disease, the incubation period of about 30 days. The symptoms of disease in Inner Mongolia began to appear in the field from mid-June to early July, reaching the peak in late August to early September. According to the determination, the amount of sugar content of the strain of Aj 1 in 1953 decreased by 13.2% in late September. In 1954, the sugar content of PZHR_1 decreased by 27.7% to 31.4%. In 1956, the root weight of PZHR_1 was reduced by 25%. The spread of beet yellow virus is mainly spread from diseased seed plants. According to a survey of sugar beets near species, the incidence within 9 meters from harvesting was 52.8% and 10.2% at 102 meters. In a large area, the prevalence rate in Shaqinqin area in 1956 was 30-50%, 5-10% at 3.5-4 km and 0-2% at 6-7 km. If there is a small piece of farming within a distance, then there is still an incidence of 3-6% at 7.5 km. The incidence of disease with the expansion of species planted areas and there is an increasing trend. Myzus persicae activity and the incidence of close. The observation of the winged Myzus persicae in Shaqinqin in 1956 showed that there were two peaks in the occurrence of Myzus persicae from late June to early October: one in mid-July and the other in 9 Mid-month. According to the incubation period of yellow virus to projections, in mid-July the emergence of aphids occurred in mid-August and reached the peak in the field, apparently a close relationship. It is expected that infection in mid-September will not cause the beet to show symptoms of the year, but it will increase the susceptible percentage of seed-bearing roots and show up in the second year of harvesting. There is clearly a clear difference in response to yellowing toxin between varieties. According to the preliminary investigation of 54 varieties, there are 4 varieties with the incidence less than 10%: Aj_3, PZHR_4, Rogow C and hybrid 19. M varieties cultivated in Inner Mongolia in 1956 are a very susceptible variety. The incidence rate is about 33.3%. There were 44 varieties with the incidence of 10-25% in the whole observation and 6 varieties with the incidence of 26-37.1%. It is worth considering the breeding of disease-resistant varieties. The survey concluded that: the cultivation of raw beets should be at least 10 kilometers away from the mining of beet seeds to be safe, at the same time, within the scope of 10 km can not be?
通过几年来的实践,我们对玉米螟卵赤眼蜂的繁殖和应用,初步明确了以下几个问题。 一、蜂种问题 本地蜂种有适应性强、生活力旺盛、寄生率高等优点,因此采集本地玉米螟卵的赤
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Ⅴ假毛竹(假楠竹、楠竹)Phyllostachys Kwangsiensis H·D·L·Sp nov·用途:材质坚韧,纹理细密,篾性好,不易受虫蛀.竹种可作建筑、家具、农具、工具等,是广西主要用材竹种
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