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我們黨三十年來的革命歷史,是一部光榮伟大的有創造性的門爭历史,其所以偉大是因为它能以馬列主義作武器,緊密的聯繫羣眾,戰勝了強大的敌人,使革命獲得勝利。所謂有創造性,是能很好的把馬列主义之真理具體運用到中國革命的實際,最主要的是我們党在毛主席的英明頒導下,天才的發揮了以武裝鬥爭和統一战线的組織形式,把所有一切革命力量,组織到革命隊伍中來,成為强大無比的力量,在中國共產黨的领导之下,對敌衝鋒陷陣,摧毀强敌。三十年來的历史已充分的證明了這一點,凡過去那一個時期統一戰線政策掌握得好,那一時期的革命就有發展(如一九二五年到一九二七年第一次國內革命戰爭的初期和中期,及一九三五年一月遵义會議以後的情况);反之,革命就會受到挫折和失敗,所以毛主席在一九三九年總結過去十八年革命的經驗時說:“過去十八年的經瞼,使我們懂得了,統一戰綫、武裝鬥爭、黨的建设,是中国共產黨在中國革命鬥爭中戰勝敌人的三個法寶”。又說:“十八年的經驗告訴我們,統一戰線與武装鬥爭是戰胜敌人的兩個基本武器,而黨的組織則是掌握统一戰綫與武装鬥爭這兩個武器以实行對敝冲鋒陷陣的英勇戰士。”(毛主席著:共產黨人發刊訶)由於這一真理之 The revolutionary history of our party over the past 30 years is a glorious, great and creative struggle against history. It is so great because it can use Marxism-Leninism as a weapon and closely connect with the masses to defeat the mighty enemy and make the revolution a reality victory. The so-called creativeness can well apply the truth of Marxism-Leninism to the reality of the Chinese revolution. The most important thing is that under the wise guidance of Chairman Mao, our genius has played an organizational form armed struggle and the united front We must bring all the revolutionary forces into the ranks of the revolutionary ranks and become powerful and incomparably powerful forces. Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, they will help the enemy to plunge and destroy the enemy. The past three decades have fully proved this point. Where the policy of the United Front was well mastered in that past period, the revolution in that period developed (for example, the first national revolution in 1925-1927 The initial and mid-term phases of the war, and the situation since Zunyi January January 1995); on the contrary, the revolution will suffer setbacks and failures. Therefore, in summing up the experiences of the 18 years of revolution in 1939, Chairman Mao said : “The past eighteen years have taught us that the United Front, the armed struggle and the party building are the three magic weapons for the Chinese Communist Party to defeat the enemy in the revolutionary struggles in China.” He added: “Eighteen years of experience have taught us that the united front and armed struggle are the two basic weapons to defeat the enemy, while the party organizations are mastered the two weapons of the united front and the armed struggle so as to implement the principle of” Brave warrior. “” (Chairman Mao: Communists published issue of blaze) Because of this truth
同志们:为了讨论和布置生产划乡工作而召开的市长、专员、县长会议共开了六天,今天就要闭幕。这次会议开的是紧张的、比较成功的。经过大 Comrades: The mayors, commissio
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研究了杀灭鳞翅目类害虫的农药灭幼脲对镰刀菌(Fusarium sp.)、疣孢漆斑霉(Myrothecium verrucaria)、粉红黏帚菌(Gliocladium roseum)和蛹虫草(Cordyceps militaris)4种真菌
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