
来源 :昆虫天敌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsdkj
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1985~1987年我们相继用人造寄主卵(简称人造卵、即体外培育法)育出国内外十二种赤眼蜂。我们发现,只要雌蜂在人造卵中产下充裕的卵,不被霉菌污染,这十二种赤眼蜂都可在同一种培养液内产卵、发育,但事实上体外培育各种赤眼蜂的成功率是不同的,我们曾载文(1987)论述了不同种赤眼蜂的产卵管大小影响到它们对不同质地厚薄的人造卵壳膜的选择。本文讨论了12种赤眼蜂产卵管的长、宽、每次的产卵数、产卵速率与体外培育成功率的关系并将12种赤眼蜂分成了三类。 From 1985 to 1987, we successively breed twelve kinds of Trichogramma at home and abroad with artificial host eggs (referred to as artificial eggs, in vitro cultivation method). We found that as long as the female bees produce abundant eggs in the artificial eggs and are not contaminated by molds, these 12 kinds of Trichogramma can spawn and develop in the same culture solution, but in fact all kinds of Trichogramma The success rates are different, and we have published (1987) that discusses the size of the oviparous tubes of different Trichogramma species that affect their selection of artificial egg shell membranes of varying thickness. This paper discusses the length and breadth of the 12 kinds of Trichogramma oviparous oviparous, each number of eggs, oviposition rate and the success rate of in vitro culture and 12 Trichogramma were divided into three categories.
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