甲A搏击俱乐部 甲A进入残酷倒计时

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好的你们来了,这儿我说了算,想在这里玩你就必须听我的!首先我们只在甲A进入后半段、有人急于当上老大、有人还想留在这个圈儿里混的时候开门做生意,因为只有到了这个时候来这里的每个人都因为心中的欲望而变得双眼血红,当他们走上擂台的时候那副恶狠狠的可爱样子刺激得我的心兴奋得抓狂,这才是足球、这才是战争,来我这看比赛的人者需要这个!其次在我们的擂台上你必须有自己的一套,你可以使出全部杀招完全不用留情地把你的对手打得血肉横飞无处躲藏,哪怕你玩阴的手上戴了M国戒指之类的我们都会装作看不见——只要你表演得像、打得够精彩;当然如果你是个没什么实力的可怜虫可是出于面子原因想在这里玩在这里充门面的话,我也并不拒绝——只要你有足够的钞票,你可以收买你的对手、或者是雇用那些有点实力却又胸无大志不想当老大的人帮你做掉你的竞争者,无所谓什么公平不公平在这里我是上帝我说了算,你甚至可以凭借着你爸爸和我家老头子的关系贿赂贿赂我,我会告诉那些把场子的人小心应付你参加的比赛的。第三就是在这里谁也别跟我玩花样,我这里有几个搏击大牌谁也别想动他们,我必须指望着他们之间真刀真枪的搏杀来吸引观众、我要让那些疯狂至极的男女们、尝到溅在脸上的血滴的腥昧儿以证明他们花的钱是值得的、我没用番茄酱来骗他们——那玩意儿都被我倒在莫奈河里装点地狱的气氛了,在这里我总会安排几场触目惊心而且难料结局的比赛来维持观众的兴奋点,他们可以帮我牢牢控制住那些好战人们的情绪: Ok, you guys are here, I have the final say. If you want to play here, you must listen to me! First of all, we only enter the latter half of A, some people are anxious to become the boss, some people want to stay in this circle. Open the door to do business, because only then at this time everyone here because of the desire of the heart and become blood-red eyes, when they go on the ring that ferocious cute look excited excite my heart crazy, This is football, this is the war, people who come to my game need this! Second in our arena you have to have their own set, you can resort to all the killings completely mercilessly put your opponent Play fierce fled to hide nowhere, even if you play overcast hands worn on the M country ring or the like we will pretend to be invisible - as long as you act like a good fight, of course, if you are a little powerless But for the sake of face, poor wolves want to play here to fill my face here, I do not refuse - as long as you have enough money, you can buy your opponents, or hiring those who have a little strength but not ambitious When the boss People help you out your competitors, it does not matter what fair and unfair here I am God I have the final say, you can even by virtue of your father and my husband’s relationship bribery bribe me, I will tell those who care about the site Deal with your participation in the game. The third is here who also do not play with me, I am here there are a few fighting big names who do not want to move them, I have to count on them between the real fight to attract the audience, I want to make those crazy extreme The men and women, tasted the bloody splashes on their faces, to prove that they spent the money is worth it, I did not use the ketchup to cheat them - that thing I was down in the Monet decorate hell The atmosphere, where I always arrange a few shocking and unpredictable game to maintain the excitement of the audience, they can help me firmly control the mood of those belligerent people:
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伯纳尔看起来是个很体面的绅士,起码按照哥伦比亚中上层社会严格但肤浅的标准是这样的。这位 40岁的白面孔、蓝眼睛的巨商将数百万美金挥霍在养着一流赛马的马厩里,他的另一种
总体数量。截至2000年12月31日,全国县级行政区划有2861个(港、澳,台除外),其中市辖区787个,县级市400个,县1503个,自治县116个,旗49个,自治旗3个,特区2个,林区1个。 县域内
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Ultrafine particles prepared by evaporating pure Fe in CH4 atmosphere using arc-dischargeheating method, were found to consist of Fe-C solid solution, γ-Fe and