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练习三课题材料的积累和选择要求使学生懂得材料积累的常用方法和选择材料的一般要求,培养学生搜集材料的能力,养成平日积累材料的习惯。指导要点 (1)写作的材料包括直接、间接材料和发展材料。直接材料是在日常生活中,通过直接观察、感受、体验、实验和调查研究得到的材料;间接材料是从书籍、报刊杂志以及其他资料中得到的材料;发展材料是在直接材料和间接材料的基层上,经过作者思考、分析、研究得到的材料。要学生以《放下包袱,开动机器》和《太阳的光辉》为例,口头回答哪些是直接材料,哪些是间接材料,哪些是发展材料。 (2)学生写议论文,往往苦于缺乏材料,或“巧媳妇难为无米之炊”,或临渴掘井,为时已晚。培养学生搜集材料的能力,养成积累材料的习惯,是提高他们写议论文能力的关键。鲁迅主张“留心各样的事情,多看看,不看到一点就写。” The accumulation and selection of materials required for the practice of the three topics will enable students to understand the general methods for material accumulation and the general requirements for selecting materials, develop the students’ ability to collect materials, and cultivate the habit of accumulating materials on a daily basis. Guidance Points (1) Materials for writing include direct and indirect materials and development materials. Direct materials are materials obtained through direct observation, experience, experimentation, and investigation in everyday life; indirect materials are materials obtained from books, newspapers, magazines, and other materials; development materials are both direct and indirect materials. At the grass-roots level, the authors have considered, analyzed and studied the materials obtained. Students are asked to verbally answer which questions are direct materials, indirect materials, and development materials, such as “put down the burden, start the machine” and “brightness of the sun.” (2) Students who write argumentative papers often suffer from lack of materials, or “the cleverest daughter-in-law is hardly a straw without rice,” or they are thirst for digging wells. It is too late. Cultivating students’ ability to collect materials and developing habits of accumulating materials is the key to improving their ability to write discourse. Lu Xun advocated “taking a look at all kinds of things, looking at them more and writing them without seeing them.”
一、教学目的的确定 (一)教学目的 1、了解本文作者通过一个“博鸡者”见义勇为的故事讥讽朝政、针砭时弊的写作意图。 2、认识本文所反映的元末政治腐败的社会现实。 3、掌
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一、小学思想品德课的教学计划 认真制订小学思想品德课的教学计划,是提高小学思想品德课教学质量的重要措施和有力保证。要制订切实可行的教学计划,必须做到以下几点: Firs