
来源 :中国工运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ricky_C
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北京市总工会为全面贯彻落实“两个普遍”的要求,2011年制定下发了《深入开展工资集体协商三年行动计划(2011-2013)》,提出了“全面建立机制,重点解决问题”的指导方针,明确了“行业谈标准、区域谈水平、企业谈增长”的工作思路,确定了三年工作的目标步骤。三年来,在全市各级工会、广大工会干部和工资协商指导员的共同努力下,工资集体协商工作呈现出整体推进、稳步有序的良好态势,协商机制初步形成,协商成效逐步显现。一是职工工资得到适度增长。二是职工积极性得以有效调动。三是企业和谐度明显提 In order to fully implement the requirements of “two universals”, the Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions promulgated the “Three-Year Plan of Action for Further Conducting Collective Bargaining in Wages (2011-2013)” in 2011, and put forward the principle of “establishing an all-round mechanism, focusing on Solve the problem ”guidelines, a clear“ industry standards, regional level, business growth ”work train of thought, set the goal of three years of work steps. Over the past three years, thanks to the concerted efforts of the trade unions at all levels, cadres of the vast number of trade unions and wage counselors in the entire city, wage collective bargaining showed a good momentum of overall promotion and steady and orderly progress. The consultation mechanism was initially formed and the effectiveness of consultations gradually revealed. First, workers’ wages have been modestly increased. Second, the enthusiasm of workers can be effectively mobilized. Third, the obvious degree of harmony of enterprises
Once there was a very foolish man.One day he put a bag of rice onthe back of his horse and went to town to sell it.The horse ran fast andhe could not catch up
Once there was a little squirrel(松鼠)who would not listen to his mother and father. Once there was a little squirrel who would not listen to his mother and f
荆门市档案局高度重视档案编研工作,不断创新编研思路,拓宽编研领域,精选编研课题,凝聚编研人才,巧筹编研经费,完成编研课题28个,出版编研成果20种300多万字。 Jingmen Arch