Magnetic Biliary Stent Targeting to Treat Hepatoma Combining with Magnetic Nanoparticles

来源 :武汉理工大学学报(材料科学版)(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:super_sxw777
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To evaluate the effect of targeting to hepatoma treated by magnetic biliary stent combining with magnetic nanoparticle containing 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), thirty-two nude mice modes with transplanted hepatoma were divided equally into four groups randomly. Experimental group received magnetic biliary stent and magnetic nanoparticles containing 5-FU. The tumor volume and pathomorphology of all groups was measured. The tumor control rate of the experimental group provided magnetic biliary stent wires and magnetic nanoparticles containing 5-FU is remarkably higher than three other control groups, showing significant curative effect. More apoptosis of tumor cells could be detected easily in experimental group. There are more apoptotic bodies and phagotrophic magnetic particle in apoptosis cells of experimental group under electron microscope. Magnetic biliary stent combining with magnetic nanoparticle containing 5-FU could inhibit the growth of hepatoma, and its curative effect is more remarkable than the traditional methods based on extal magnetic fields.
一、资料与方法  选择胶质瘤开颅手术患者40例,男24例,女16例,ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级,随机分为高渗氯化钠羟乙基淀粉40注射液组(}IH40组)和20%甘露醇组(M组),每组20例。
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