Germline promoter hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes in gastric cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jakieli
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AIM: To explore germline hypermethylation of the tumor suppressor genes MLH1, CDH1 and P16INK4a in suspected cases of hereditary gastric cancer (GC). METHODS: A group of 140 Chinese GC patients in whom the primary cancer had developed before the age of 60 or who had a familial history of cancer were screened for germline hypermethylation of the MLH1, CDH1 and P16INK4a tumor suppressor genes. GenomicDNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes and modified by sodium bisulfite. The treated DNA was then subjected to bisulfi te DNA sequencing for a specif ic region of the MLH1 promoter. The methylation status of CDH1 or P16INK4a was assayed using methylation-specif ic PCR. Clonal bisulf ite allelic sequencing in positive samples was performed to obtain a comprehensive analysis of the CpG island methylation status of these promoter regions. RESULTS: Methylation of the MLH1 gene promoter was detected in the peripheral blood DNA of only 1/140 (0.7%) of the GC patient group. However, this methylation pattern was mosaic rather than the allelic pattern which has previously been reported for MLH1 in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) patients. We found that 10% of the MLH1 alleles in the peripheral blood DNA of this patient were methylated, consistent with 20% of cells having one methylated allele. No germline promoter methylation of the CDH1 or P16INK4a genes was detected. CONCLUSION: Mosaic germline epimutation of the MLH1 gene is present in suspected hereditary GC patients in China but at a very low level. Germline epimutation of the CDH1 or P16INK4a gene is not a frequent event. AIM: To explore germline hypermethylation of the tumor suppressor genes MLH1, CDH1 and P16INK4a in suspected cases of hereditary gastric cancer (GC). METHODS: A group of 140 Chinese GC patients in whom the primary cancer had caused before the age of 60 or who had a familial history of cancer were screened for germline hypermethylation of the MLH1, CDH1 and P16INK4a tumor suppressor genes. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes and modified by sodium bisulfite. The treated DNA was then subjected to bisulfi te DNA sequencing for a specific ic region of the MLH1 promoter. The methylation status of CDH1 or P16INK4a was assayed using methylation-specif ic PCR. Clonal bisulf ite allelic sequencing in positive samples was performed to obtain a comprehensive analysis of the CpG island methylation status of these promoter regions. RESULTS: Methylation of the MLH1 gene promoter was detected in the peripheral blood DNA of only 1/140 (0.7%) of the GC patient group. However, thi s methylation pattern was mosaic rather than the allelic pattern which has previously been reported for MLH1 in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) patients. We found that 10% of the MLH1 alleles in the peripheral blood DNA of this patient were methylated, consistent No germline promoter methylation of the CDH1 or P16INK4a genes was detected. CONCLUSION: Mosaic germline epimutation of the MLH1 gene is present in suspected hereditary GC patients in China but at a very low level. Germline epimutation of the CDH1 or P16INK4a gene is not a frequent event.
多做立正姿势能使全身筋骨、肌肉形成一条线,呼吸、气血畅通,犹如一座直立的烟囱,越直越高,越能排除废气;通过深呼吸使人体吸入大量氧气,氧能助燃,能燃烧体内的脂肪,这是减肥最直接、最有效的方法。  立正要掌握以下四个要点:  第一,要腿直、腰直、背直、颈脖子直和两肩平。立正姿势,两脚自然开立,做到腿、腰、背、颈形成一条直线,使全身骨骼、肌肉伸展,经络血脉畅通。  第二,两肩下压,两臂垂直,尽力下伸,并