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长庆石油勘探局所辖的区域太广大了——横跨陕、甘、宁、晋、内蒙五省(区),勘探面积37万平方公里。这儿的自然环境太严峻了——夏天酷热,冬天奇寒;沟壑纵横,梁茆对峙;干旱少雨,交通不便;对面可说话,握手需半天。这儿的土地大贫瘠了,群众的生活太困难了——党中央、国务院制定的“老、少、边、穷”四个字的扶贫标准,它占齐了。这儿又确实是一块“风水宝地”,当年毛泽东和他的战友们,正是从这儿出发,夺取政权,建立共和国,引起了世界的瞩目。进入90年代,这儿再次引起世人的瞩目,5万多长庆人开拓、进取,奋发、拼搏,铸造了辉煌——英雄辈出,模范如云,先进人物层出不穷,书也书不尽,讲也讲不完…… Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau under the jurisdiction of the vast area - across the Shaanxi, Gansu, Ning, Jin, Inner Mongolia, five provinces (regions), exploration area of ​​370000 square kilometers. Here the natural environment is too harsh - hot in the summer, winter cold; ravines aspect, confrontation beam; drought, rainy, inaccessible; opposite can speak, shake hands for a long time. The land here is barren and the livelihood of the masses is too difficult. The standard of helping the poor, the old, the poor, the poor and the poor, set by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, has taken up the standard. Here is indeed a “treasure of feng shui”, when Mao Zedong and his comrades, it is from here, to seize power, the establishment of the Republic, aroused the world’s attention. Into the 90’s, once again aroused the world’s attention here, more than 50,000 Changqing people to forge ahead, work hard, hard work, casting brilliant - a large number of heroes, models such as cloud, an endless stream of advanced people, Endless ...
目的 探讨新妈妈网络交流群对早孕孕妇心理状态及妊娠结局的影响.方法 选择2017年3月-2018年3月在我院建档的早孕孕妇70例为研究对象,随机分为研究组与对照组.对照组孕妇给予
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目的 探讨以人文关怀为核心的综合疼痛管理在骨科手术患者中的应用分析.方法 以我院2017年9月~2019年5月收治的218例骨科手术患者作为研究对象,其中采用常规护理的129例患者为