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“得一官不荣,失一官不辱,勿道一官无用,地方全靠一官;穿百姓之表,吃百姓之饭,莫以百姓可欺,自己也是百姓。”这是习近平总书记在山东菏泽视察期间,给市、县委书记们念的一副对联。他说,对联以浅显的语言揭示了官民关系。封建时代官吏尚有这样的认识,今天我们共产党人应该比这个境界高得多。这副对联虽短,但内容却很丰富,每句都可大做文章。譬如“莫以百姓可欺”一句,欺,有仗势压迫之意,与欺有关的词包括欺负、欺骗、欺诈、欺瞒、欺哄、欺压等。并不是打骂凌辱才叫欺,不给百姓办事,不关心百姓疾苦,不听取百姓意见,高高在上当官做老爷,截留党和政府对百姓的关怀,贪污受贿中饱私 “To have one officer does not honor, lose one official does not insult, do not say the official is useless, the place depends on one official; To wear the table of the people, eat the rice of the people, mo people to bully, oneself also people.” During his visit to Heze, Shandong Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a couplet to the city and county party secretaries. He said the couplet has revealed the relationship between officials and civilians in plain language. Officials in the feudal era still had this understanding, and today we Communists should be much higher than this realm. This couplet is short, but the content is very rich, each sentence can be a big fuss. For example, “not to the people can be bullied,” a bully, there is the pressure of oppression, bullying related words include bullying, cheating, fraud, deceiving, deceiving, oppression and so on. Not to blame the insult to be bullied, not to the people, do not care about the people suffering, do not listen to the opinions of the people, be lofty officials, keep the party and government care for the people, corruption and bribery in full privacy
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Prologue THE TIME初次得见幸福航空定员50人的小飞机时,顾美景嚣张地大笑:“跟我玩的模型飞机规模相当嘛!”戚小米倒很淡定:“顾编辑,注意措辞。作为一个山西乘客,你这样的
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Hear,a goddess of happiness cries An endless timeless lullaby sings a song of the dream she has The sadness fills her eyes End of love,love is gone No more drea
目的探讨细胞因子IL-22对小鼠输卵管上皮细胞趋化因子CXCL9、CXCL10表达的影响。方法流式细胞术检测体外培养的小鼠输卵管上皮细胞膜表面IL-22R表达水平。重组鼠IL-22(100 ng