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地区小报版面小,加上许多小报是隔日刊、周三刊或周二刊,使得用稿和版面之间存在着矛盾。其中怎样改革会议新闻的报道,实是小报小办值得探讨的一个题目。我们湖北襄阳报在改革经济宣传中,对改革会议新闻的报道作了些尝试。一,从实际工作情况出发,选择角度,突出重点写会议消息。去年,我参加了地区行署召开的全区多种经营会议。这次会议规模比较大,讨论的问题也比较多,按有关部门的意见, Regional tabloids are small in size, with many tabloids being every other day, Wednesday or Tuesday, making contradictions between drafts and layouts. Among them, how to reform the coverage of the conference news is really a topic worth exploring for the small newspapers. In our reform of economic propaganda, we in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, made some attempts to report on the news of the reform conference. First, starting from the actual work, choose the point of view, focus on writing conference news. Last year, I attended a variety of management meetings in the region held by regional administrative offices. This meeting is relatively large in scale and has more discussions. According to the opinions of relevant departments,
扩展蛋白( Expansin )能够通过调节细胞壁的膨胀来控制植物细胞的生长进而可以调节根系的生长,平邑甜茶( Malus hupehensis ( Pamp ) Rehd. var pinyiensis Jiang )是苹果和
The techniques for oceanographic observation have made great progress in both space-time coverage and quality, which make the observation data present some char
Recently,spin-momentum-locked topological surface states(SSs)have attracted significant attention in spintronics.Owing to spin-momentum locking,the direction of
Cryo-electron microscopy makes use of transmission electron microscopy to image vitrified biological samples and reconstruct their three-dimensional structures
作为一种重要植物激素,茉莉酸在调控植物的’抗性反应方面起必不可少的作用。但目前对茉莉酸信号转导的分子机理所知甚少。bestat i n是一种氨肽酶抑制剂,能够在拟南芥和番茄中
由黎信选译、辽宁省新闻工作者协会编印的《西方新闻作品选读》将于今年上半年出版。全书共有八十六篇本世纪内美、英、法、苏等国记者采写的各种体裁的新闻作品。 The Sel
甜瓜(Cucumis melo L.)具有显著的杂种优势,生产上几乎全部使用甜瓜一代杂交品种。利用单性花系进行杂交种子生产,不但可省去杂交授粉过程中人工去雄的繁杂工序,降低制种成本
Hydration water can even decide the physicochemical properties of hydrated organic molecules.However,by far the most important hydration number for organic mole