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《人间问题》是朝鲜著名女作家作家姜敬爱于20世纪30年代创作的一部反映当时社会现实的文学作品。20世纪30年代,朝鲜社会处于殖民地最黑暗的时期,而旧社会延续下来的封建习俗同时也侵袭着底层劳动人民,尤其是生活在底层社会的女性。也正是这个原因,在当时社会出现了像姜敬爱这样的女性作家,将自己身受压迫的生活反映到文学作品中,从而给我们展现出了当时社会的黑暗与残酷。《人间问题》是姜敬爱的代表作,它通过写压迫不断的情况下,女性忍无可忍,最后终于奋起反抗来展现了女性意识的渐渐觉醒和逐渐成熟的过程。 The “human problem” is a literary work that was written by a famous Korean writer writer Jiang Jingai in the 1930s to reflect the social reality of the time. In the 1930s, North Korean society was in the darkest period of the colonial era, while the feudal custom continuing in the old society also hit the working people at the bottom, especially those living in the lower classes. It is also for this reason that at that time, female writers such as Jiang Jingai appeared in society and reflected their oppressed life into literary works, thus showing us the darkness and cruelty of society at that time. “Human affairs” is a masterpiece of Jiang Jingai. It shows the gradual awakening and gradual maturity of female consciousness through the persecution of women through the persistence of oppression.
目的 通过检测乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)阳性孕妇胎盘组织细胞中bcl-2、bax基因及HBcAg的表达,探讨bcl-2、bax与HBcAg之间的关系。方法 46例HBsAg阳性孕妇足月产胎盘(排除其他疾病)为HB
In the paper the experimental results concerning the functional quality of thin, superhard coatings produced on cutting edges is described. Boron nitride coatin