着力破解就业难关 广开门路促进就业

来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cs8613416
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三明是福建省工业基地,由于历史与区位等原因,工业相对集中,企业冗员多。在进入市场和体制转轨过程中,多年积累结构性、体制性矛盾集中显现。就业、失业、再就业已成为百姓谈话的话题,也是人们普通关注的热点,更是经济和社会发展中遇到的难点。为此笔者谈几点工作中的见解:当前城镇就业矛盾突出城镇就业矛盾突出,一方面是体制转变和经济结构调整过程中带来的“阵痛”;另一方面是经济落后与人口总量矛盾积淀的结果。主要表现为:就业需求不足。“九五”期间,全市GDP年均增长11%,同时下岗失业人员大量增加而同期的就业人数没有与产业扩张同步增长,经济增长对就业的拉动作用减弱,吸纳就业相对减少。就业岗位减少。国企在计划经济时代吸纳的就业量最大,但随着市场经济体制的逐步确立,一些企业被淘汰,一些企业采用先进技术设备,生产的自动化、集约化、规模程度不断提高,同样数量的投资,用工人数却相对减少。就业压力增大。据劳动保障部门统计,1998- Sanming is an industrial base in Fujian Province. Due to its history and location, the industry is relatively concentrated with many redundant enterprises. In entering the market and system transition process, accumulation of structural and institutional conflicts accumulated for many years. Employment, unemployment and reemployment have become the topics of people's conversation. They are also the hot spots that people generally pay attention to. They are also the difficulties encountered in economic and social development. To this end I talk about a few working points of view: the current prominent employment contradiction in urban employment prominently in urban employment, on the one hand is the system change and economic restructuring brought about by the “pain”; the other hand, economic backwardness and population The amount of contradictory results. Mainly as follows: employment demand is not enough. During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, the city's GDP grew at an average annual rate of 11%. At the same time, the number of laid-off workers increased substantially while the number of employed people in the same period did not increase synchronously with the expansion of the industry. The effect of economic growth on employment was weakened and the employment received was relatively reduced. Decrease in employment. However, with the gradual establishment of a market economy system, some enterprises have been eliminated and some have adopted advanced technology and equipment. The automation, intensification and scale of production have been continuously improved. The same amount of investment, The number of workers is relatively reduced. Employment pressure increased. According to statistics from the labor and social security department,
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