
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yutianfeipao
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目的了解山区水库灌区引水灌溉对血吸虫病传播的潜在影响,为控制血吸虫病扩散提供科学依据。方法在泾县陈村水库总干渠自流灌溉区,选择一处引水干渠和一条灌溉斗渠为螺情观察点,每月进行系统抽样查螺,观察钉螺含血吸虫情况;并收集气象、水文资料和结合已有的基础理论,推算感染性钉螺被毛蚴攻击感染的季节以及感染性钉螺生存时期。结果干渠分别在6、7月份,斗渠分别在71、0月份发现感染性钉螺;6月份含尾蚴之钉螺,其被血吸虫毛蚴攻击感染最近时间在上年9月份,7月中旬含尾蚴之钉螺其被毛蚴攻击最近时间在当年5月份,10月中旬含子胞蚴之钉螺其被攻击时间在当年8月份及此后。理论上在干渠坡滩,6~11月份有感染性钉螺存在,在斗渠感染性钉螺可常年存在。干渠虽常年有水,但淹滩主要在4、5月份及上年89、月份,而斗渠较浅且常年有水。结论在总干渠自流灌溉区,干渠内感染性钉螺的形成及人畜感染的发生与水位变化有关;而在小型灌溉渠中,血吸虫传播可在大多数季节实现。 Objective To understand the potential impact of water diversion irrigation on schistosomiasis transmission in mountainous irrigation area and provide a scientific basis for controlling the spread of schistosomiasis. Methods In the main irrigation canal of Chencun reservoir in Jingxian County, a water diversion canal and an irrigation canal were selected as the snail observation points. A systematic sampling of snails was conducted every month to observe the situation of snails containing schistosomiasis. The meteorological and hydrological data and the combination Based on the existing basic theory, the season in which infectious snails are attacked by the miracidosis and the survival period of the infected snails are estimated. Results The main drainage channel was found in June and July respectively in 71 and 0 months. Infectious snails were found in 71 and 0 months respectively. In June, the snail with cercariae was attacked by the schistosome larvae. In recent September and mid July, Be recently attacked by the miracidosis in May of that year, in mid-October containing snails snail snail its attack time in August of that year and thereafter. Theoretically, there are infective snails in the dry-channel slope beach from June to November, and infective snails can exist in ditches all the year round. Though the main channel has water all the year round, the flooded beaches are mainly in April and May and the previous year are 89 and the previous month, while the ditches are shallow and perennial have water. Conclusions The formation of infectious snails in trunk canals and the occurrence of human and livestock infections are related to the changes of water level in the gravity irrigation area of ​​the main trunk channel. In small irrigation channels, the spread of schistosomiasis can be achieved in most seasons.
目的 了解湖北省嗜人按蚊和中华按蚊的生态习性以及与疟疾发病的关系. 方法 调查各县(市)疟疾发病情况及当地传播媒介的种类和生态习性. 结果 湖北省疟疾流行与媒介的种类、
本刊讯《中国计量》杂志社第七次地方通联部主任会议后的一个多月 ,各省、市、自治区通联部全面启动了2002年度《中国计量》杂志的发行征订工作 ,要求各地、市(县)局要高度重视该项