一、概况 受国家技术监督局委派,我于1991年12月7—14日赴澳大利亚悉尼出席ISO/TC43(声学委员会)、TC43/SC1(噪声分会)、TC43/WG1(听阈工作组)会议。各会在悉尼北区的“标准楼(Standards House)举行。本次系列会议时间为12月5日—12日。 二、TC43/WG1会议 1987年4月初,我在巴黎召开的OIML(国际法制计量组织)的《声学、听力、振动》指导秘书处会上,曾发表了关于有关听力的国际标准中应把标准年龄由
I. General Attendees appointed by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision, I attended the meetings of ISO / TC43 (Acoustics Commission), TC43 / SC1 (Noise Branch) and TC43 / WG1 (Auditory Threshold Working Group) on December 7-14, 1991 in Sydney, Australia. Meetings are held at the Standards House in North Sydney, this series of meetings from December 5 to December 12. TC43 / WG1 Conference In early April 1987, I was held in Paris OIML (International Law Metrology Organization) “Acoustics, Hearing, Vibration” guide the Secretariat at the meeting, had published on the international standard for hearing should be the standard age from