自魏晋以降 ,由于北方人口的南迁 ,南方各民族间的接触、碰撞、融合一直在或紧或慢地进行 ,而在唐宋时期 ,随着政治制度的变化和经济重心的南移 ,北方向南方的移民规模扩大 ,速度加快 ,民族融合的进程也因之加速进行。其主要表现是汉族南方诸民系次第形成 ,一些南方少数民族也发展成熟 ,奠定了南方民族关系的新格局。限于篇幅 ,本文仅就东南和华南地区福佬和客家两个汉族南方民系的形成略加论述。
Since the fall of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, due to the southward migration of the northern population, the contact, collision and integration between the various ethnic groups in the South have been proceeding more or less intensively. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, with the change in the political system and the southward shift of the economic center of gravity, The scale of immigration from north to south has been expanded at an accelerated pace and the process of national integration has also accelerated. Its main manifestation is the formation of the minorities in the south of the Han nationality and the maturity of some southern minorities, laying a new pattern of ethnic relations in the south. Due to space limitations, this article only briefly discusses the formation of two Han Chinese civilians such as the bosses and Hakkas in Southeast and South China.