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1960—61连续二年在河北衡水施用颗粒剂防治玉米螟:春、夏玉米心叶末期用5% DDT 颗粒剂,不仅前期的螟虫减少了80—90%左右,穗期的螟害也适当地被控制。1次施药能减少整个春玉米生育期的虫数65—77.4%,夏玉米60—71.9%。防治效果似与玉米后期虫口密度有关。心叶期防治以在心叶末期为最理想,提早施药不能获得最高效果。心叶期防治2次与防治1次的效果没有差异。心叶末期与穗期各防治1次,收获时检查,防治效果春玉米上可达85.8—88.6%,夏玉米90.6—91%。因此,在螟害较轻的年分,防治1次即能解决大部分的螟害问题,大发生年分,可以在穗期再防治1次。试验证明不同载体、不同加工方法配制的颗粒剂、不同用量和不同施用方法的防治效果差异都不显著。虽然含5% DDT 或0.5—1%666的颗粒剂的残效能维持1个月以上,但由于田间植株上残存的颗粒剂损失很快,1个月后的残存量仅为12—15%,因此1次防治的效果受到限制。由于防治效果与施药时螟卵发生的情况关系不大,而心叶未期是防治最适时期,因此作者建议可以玉米生育阶段作为施药时期的标准。 1960-61 Two years in a row in Hebei Hengshui Granules control corn borer: spring, summer corn heart late 5% DDT granules, not only the early stem borers reduced by about 80-90%, the stem borer is also appropriate controlled. One application can reduce the entire spring corn growth period of 65-77.4% of the number of insects, summer corn 60-71.9%. The control effect seems to be related to the density of insect population at the late stage of corn. Prevention and treatment of heart and leaf at the end of the heart for the best, early application can not get the highest results. There are no differences in the effect of prevention and treatment of heart 2 times and prevention and cure 1 times. Leaf end of the control and the end of a panicle 1, check the harvest, the control effect of up to 85.8-88.6% on spring corn, summer corn 90.6-91%. Therefore, in the light year of stem borer, control 1 times that can solve most of the pest damage problem, the occurrence of major points, you can control again in the spike. Experiments show that different carriers, different processing methods of the preparation of granules, different dosage and different methods of application of the control effect is not significant difference. Although the residual efficiency of granules containing 5% DDT or 0.5-1% 666 was maintained for more than 1 month, the residual amount of residual granules in field plants was very fast and the residual amount after 1 month was only 12-15% Therefore, the effect of a control is limited. As the control effect is not related to the occurrence of rice borer eggs when spraying, but the dead leaves are the most suitable period for prevention and treatment, the author suggests that the corn growth stage can be used as the standard for the application period.
近年来,显纹地老虎(Euxoa conspicuaHb.)在伊犁州局部大发生.1982年5月伊宁县萨木圩孜有1万多亩春播作物受害,其中胡麻、玉米平均蛀心率为31%,最高达87%.1983年伊宁县吐鲁番
财税[2008]38号各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、国家税务局,财政部驻各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政监察专员办事处: Autonomous regions and municip
2005年伊始,内外资企业不同所得税并轨的声音突然增强了,被认为可能会提交今年的全国人大会议审议,似乎“实施在望”,然而由于不同的意见与声音甚强,致使暂时搁置,至少已经错过了今年提交人大审议的机会,但两税终将并轨的共识是一致的。  那么,两税何时才能并轨,各方面都在等待这个定案。    两税并轨已酝酿多年    两税分列,是中国特殊国情的产物。  1987年开始引进外商投资企业时,我国还没有企业所
相对于起步阶段的中国,美国已形成一套便利和激励纳税人的机制    有了在中国的经历,在一家著名会计师事务所工作的陆燕(化名)的感觉是,美国的个税申报相关配套服务要好很多。  陸燕介绍,美国的银行无需客户索取,每到年终都会主动给客户寄送一张年终清单,其中包括了银行存款利息收入、红利收入等各项重要信息。  除了银行,证券部门也会在这个时间为客户提供一张全年买卖股票的报表,内容包括了每一次交易的详细记录
菜青虫 Pieris rapae Linneus 是我国主要蔬菜害虫之一。尤其对十字花科的蔬菜如甘兰、洋白菜等危害甚重。初孵幼虫在叶背啃食,残留叶面,三龄之后食量剧增,将叶子吃成缺刻,