
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taozhzzl
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目的掌握2005~2008年全国80个血吸虫病监测点的疫情变化趋势,为今后的防治工作提供科学依据。方法全国80个血吸虫病疫情监测点按照《全国血吸虫病疫情监测方案》开展了人群及家畜病情、螺情和相关因素调查,汇总整理所有监测数据,分析2005~2008年的监测结果。结果2005~2008年人群血吸虫校正感染率由2005年的2.03%下降至2008年的0.67%,人群血吸虫校正感染率湖沼型流行区显著高于山丘型;职业性疫水接触人群,如农民、渔民和船民均显著高于非职业性疫水接触人群。全国80个监测点家畜存栏主要为牛、羊和猪,分别占50.36%、13.72%和11.53%;家畜敞放仍是饲养的主要方式,其中在有螺地带敞放率为43.99%,圈养率仅为5.13%。2005~2008年,全国9个省(市)79个监测点查出有螺面积,湖沼型占91.96%,山丘和水网型分别占7.74%和0.30%;感染性钉螺面积中湖沼型占98.70%,山丘占1.30%,水网型地区未发现感染性钉螺。钉螺感染率和活螺密度均呈逐年下降趋势,但湖沼型地区4年间感染性钉螺密度下降不明显。结论2005~2008年全国血吸虫病监测点人群、家畜和钉螺感染率等指标均有所下降,但家畜存栏数和感染性钉螺面积等反映传染源控制效果较敏感的一些技术指标未见明显下降。因此,要加强传染源控制措施的落实,减少家畜存栏数和感染性钉螺,以防止疫情反弹。 Objective To grasp the epidemic trend of 80 schistosomiasis surveillance points in China from 2005 to 2008, and provide scientific evidences for future prevention and treatment. Methods 80 epidemic monitoring sites for schistosomiasis in China were surveyed in accordance with the “National Schistosomiasis Surveillance Program” to investigate the prevalence of disease, snail and related factors, and to compile and monitor all the monitoring data and analyze the monitoring results from 2005 to 2008. Results The corrected infection rate of schistosomiasis in population from 2005 to 2008 decreased from 2.03% in 2005 to 0.67% in 2008, and the corrected prevalence of Schistosoma japonicum in the population was significantly higher than that in the hilly type in the swamp epidemic area. Occupational exposure to water, such as peasants, Fishermen and boat people were significantly higher than non-occupational groups exposed to water. The livestock population of 80 monitoring points in China was mainly cattle, sheep and pigs, accounting for 50.36%, 13.72% and 11.53% respectively. The open-air livestock was still the main way of keeping livestock. The open-space rate of snails was 43.99% Only 5.13%. From 2005 to 2008, the snail area was found at 79 monitoring points in 9 provinces (cities) across the country, accounting for 91.96% in lakes and swamps and 7.74% and 0.30% in hills and water networks respectively; 98.70% and 1.30% of the hills. Infectious snails were not found in the water network area. Snail infection rate and live lobe density showed a declining trend year by year, but the lacustrine-type area 4 years decreased inoculum density of infection was not obvious. CONCLUSIONS The population, domestic animals and snails in the monitoring stations of schistosomiasis from 2005 to 2008 all decreased in some areas, but some indicators such as the number of livestock and the area of ​​infected snail were not sensitive to the control of infection sources. Therefore, to strengthen the implementation of source control measures to reduce the number of livestock and infectious snails in order to prevent a rebound in the epidemic.
倏忽间,浦均随吾学画已两年,虽未朝夕相从,然其人其画感触颇深。  辛卯年夏,有至友荐浦均于金陵。初见体格粗硕,质朴沉厚,所谓南人北相。及观其画,则细腻工致,安静而恬淡,人画悬殊千里。适时省厅兴重大主题工程,遂指其为辅,居星湖一旬有余,作丈二匹,置陈布排,勾勒敷色,皆能彰显原本立意。  青绿本与材质无涉,古法只在工细整饬,设色精研。浦均绘青绿山水,熟纸、仿古、金笺、绢本皆作尝试。壬辰年取为山水画创作
英国王室公布了威廉王子和凯特王妃陪同乔治小王子在伦敦自然历史博物馆看蝴蝶展的全家福照片,纪念乔治小王子一周岁生日。 The British royal family announced the family