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老子说:“大辩无言,大音稀声,大象无形。”对待幼稚顽皮自控能力不强的学生,春风化雨的教育胜过电闪雷鸣的批评,而最有效的莫过于运用极富哲理性、批评性、趣味性、娱乐性的幽默语言。苏联教育家斯维特洛夫说过:“教育家最重要的、也是第一位的助手是幽默。”美国评价一个优秀教师的标准之一就是要有幽默感。有幽默感的教师受学生欢迎。教师恰当运用幽默可以增添师生的生活乐趣,消除师生教学时面临的困境,减少不愉快的情绪,可以使学生精神放松,使教学气氛更加轻松融洽,教育教学更富成效。下面介绍笔者运用幽默语言进行教育教学的一些事例,借此与同行进行探讨。 Laozi said: “The big debate is silent, the big tone is thin, and the elephant is invisible.” For students who are childish and naughty and have not strong self-control ability, the education of spring rain is better than the criticism of lightning and thunder, and the most effective is to use highly philosophical. Sexual, critical, interesting, entertaining humorous language. The Soviet educator Svetlov said: “The educator’s most important and first assistant is humor.” One of the criteria for evaluating an outstanding teacher in the United States is to have a sense of humor. Teachers with a sense of humour are welcomed by students. Teachers’ proper use of humor can increase the joy of teachers and students, eliminate the difficulties faced by teachers and students when teaching, and reduce unpleasant emotions. Students can relax their minds, make the teaching atmosphere more relaxed and harmonious, and education and teaching more effective. Here are some examples of the author’s use of humorous language for education and teaching, and to discuss with peers.
[基本用法]  1. 引导名词性从句  Where he comes from is a secret to all of us. (主语从句)  The problem is where we can borrow so much money. (表语从句)  They didn’t tell me where I could meet them. (宾语从句)  I have no idea