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发展城市社区卫生服务是确保居民健康、构建和谐社会的重要措施,根据国家对社区卫生服务的发展要求,广州市全面启动了社区卫生服务体系的建设,本文通过分析该市城市社区卫生服务现状,探讨发展过程中存在的政府投入不足、体系建设缓慢及人才队伍建设跟不上问题,并提出了加大政府投入、加强体系建设及培养高水平人才的对策,以期为城市社区卫生服务的可持续发展提供参考。 The development of urban community health services is an important measure to ensure residents’ health and build a harmonious society. According to the state’s requirements for the development of community health services, Guangzhou Municipality has started the construction of community health service system in an all-round way. By analyzing the status quo of urban community health services in this city, In the process of development, it discusses the problems of insufficient government investment, slow construction of the system and keeping up with the contingent of qualified personnel, and puts forward some countermeasures to increase government investment, strengthen system construction and cultivate high-level talents in order to provide sustainable urban community health services Development for reference.
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中国古代帝制长达2000余年,其发展的秘密就在于:“反叛”抑或“王朝兴替”都是军事性的而非政治性的,这种缘由主要是中国帝制社会的结构特质使然。 The secret of the devel
收在这个集子中的21篇文章,就是我在以往六年中对故宫价值认识与故宫学探索的一个小结,一个阶段性成果。这些文章,其中10篇是在各个学术研讨会或报告会上的演讲 Twenty-one
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猫叫综合征(Cri du chat Syndrome)是一种常染色体异常疾病,自1963年 Lejeume)报道以来,现已发102例,本病特征是患儿哭声似猫叫,仅见于婴儿期,主要为喉头部发育不全所改。典
Petrography, microthermometry, and scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM/EDS) studies were performed on the fluid inclusions in the o