
来源 :史学理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foxmaj
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引言 我生于清光绪三十二年丙午(1906),正是祖国备受列强侵凌宰割的忧患时代,曾亲历辛亥革命、袁氏帝制、张勋复辟、北洋军阀混战、国民革命军北伐、蒋氏专政、抗日战争、解放战争,以至社会主义革命、社会主义建设等阶段。今年九十,一生经历不啻一部中国现代历史,也是革命党人、共产党人和仁人义士力图奋发求强,由贫弱而富强的历史。现在全国各族人民正在毛泽东思想指引下为了实现邓小平同志倡导的建设有中国特色的社会主义目标而向前迈进。我国正由温饱而小康走向至郅以至大同。我生于忧患,终于安乐,倍感欣慰,今就经历笔之于书,以为世鉴。年老多忘,且难免错误,幸读者正之。 Introduction I was born in the thirty-two years of the Qing Emperor Guangxu (1906). It was the time when the motherland was plagued by the aggression of the powers. It witnessed the revolution of 1911, the monarchy of Yuan Dynasty, the restoration of Zhang Xun, the melee war of the Northern Warlords, the Northern Expedition of the National Revolutionary Army, ’S dictatorship, the war of resistance against Japan, the war of liberation and even the socialist revolution and socialist construction. This year, his life experiences no less than a modern history in China. It is also a history in which the revolutionaries, communists and benevolent and righteous people strive to make every striving for strength and from being weak and prosperous. Now, under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, the people of all ethnic groups in China are making progress toward the goal of building socialism with Chinese characteristics advocated by Comrade Deng Xiaoping. My country is getting enough food and clothing and getting well-to-do and even Datong. I was born in crisis, and finally happy, I am pleased that today experienced pen in the book, that the world Kam. Many old forgotten, and inevitable mistakes, lucky readers are positive.
It’s an important task for the World Com-munications Year to organize,in accordancewith the plan of the China Committee,thesummer camps on communications for