
来源 :农家女 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xufuen2001
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在过去的十年里,无论是中央还是地方,都出台了不少惠农政策。很多农民抚今追昔感慨万千:以前这种好事咱想都不敢想呀!是呀,想都不敢想!以前皇粮国税天经地义,如今农民种地不但不用交税了,国家还给粮食补贴;以前公费医疗是城里人的专利,如今农民看病也能报销了;以前农民养老靠儿女,如今国家也要负责了……本期我们策划了这个“惠农政策到我家”的专题,邀请了全国各地最普通的农村读者,写下了这组与惠农政策有关的故事。我们将这组出自农民之手的朴素的文字立此存照,用我们自己的方式,记录下这一页历史。当然,我们也知道,有些惠农政策在落实的过程中,也有“跑偏”的时候,也有让农民不满意的地方;我们也知道,在某些方面,惠农政策的阳光雨露,仍无法播撒到每一个角落。我们把这些呼声也一并刊出,希望在下一个十年,把这些漏洞及时修补上——没有政策制定政策,有了政策完善政策。十年,在历史的长河中,只是一个短暂的瞬间,但对于我们农民来说,这个十年却至关重要。按照“十六大”的“本世纪头二十年要全面小康”的目标,我们期待在下一个十年,农民能够得到更多实惠。 In the past ten years, many central government and local governments have promulgated many preferential agricultural policies. Many peasants recalled the past with thousands of emotions: the past, such a good thing we would not have thought it! Yes, I do not want to think! Before the royal grain tax justified, and now farmer farming not only do not have to pay taxes, the state back to food subsidies; before Public medical treatment is the city’s patent, and now the farmers see a doctor can reimbursement; before farmers rely on children, the country now has to be responsible for ... ... This issue we planted this “beneficiary policy to my home,” the topic, the invitation The most common rural readers across the country, wrote this group of stories related to the benefit of agriculture policy. We put this group of simple texts from the hands of peasants as a deposit, in our own way, record the history of this page. Of course, we also know that some peasant-farming policies have their place in the process of implementation and are not satisfactory to peasants. We also know that in some aspects, the sunshine and dewfall of peasant-farming policies, Still can not sow to every corner. We also put these voices together. We hope that these loopholes will be promptly repaired in the next decade - there is no policy making policy and a policy improvement policy. Ten years have only been a brief moment in the history, but for our farmer, this decade is of crucial importance. In accordance with the goal of “getting well-off in the first 20 years of this century” of the “16th National Congress of the CPC,” we expect that peasants will receive more benefits in the next decade.
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