运用金融手段 加速结构调整 促进对外经贸发展

来源 :山东对外经贸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kelukeke
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经济发达的国家和一些发展中国家为支持本国商品进入国际市场,加速国民经济发展,相继组建了政策性金融机构从事融资、保险和担保等为进出口服务的金融业务,为实现本国经济发展目标发挥了重要作用。1994年在我国财政、税务、金融和外贸体 In order to support the entry of their own goods into the international market and speed up the development of the national economy, economically developed countries and some developing countries have successively established financial institutions engaged in the provision of financing services such as financing, insurance and guarantee for the import and export of financial institutions such as insurance and guarantee. In order to achieve their own economic development goals It played an important role. In 1994 in our country finance, taxation, finance and foreign trade body
最近,外经贸部发出通知,从6月1日起,对实行进口许可证管理的商品进行调整,并做出了具体规定。 一、取消农药、碳酸饮料的进口许口证管理,新增“光盘生产设备”为进口许可证
今年,浙江嘉兴专区水文站統一制发了一批鋼筋混凝土水尺桩,每支长460厘米,直徑16厘米,重量225公斤。吳兴水文站在打桩过程中,摸索了以下一些經驗: This year, Zhejiang Jia
基安贝雷水电工程是肯尼亚塔纳河开发的组成部分。该工程包括一座高112m的主土石坝、一座高45m的副坝、一条8km长的引水隧洞和一座48m(长)×20 m(宽)×33.5m(平均高度)的地
1.【家庭美德】vertus familiales;valeurs de la famille2.【宽容礼让】tolrance et altruisme;tolrant/indulgent et courtois3.【社会生活共同体】communautsociale
The field investigations of geomorphology and Quaternary sediment sequences show that the sediment stratigraphic profile containing the skull of the Homo sapien