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中国家族企业的发展已成为目前我国社会的一大热点问题,其在经济生活中所发挥的作用也越来越大。据统计,我国目前的非公有制经济成分中,家族企业已经占到80%以上,特别是江浙一带的部分地区,已经达到95%以上;在上市公司中,我们也可以看到越来越多的家族企业的身影。血缘亲情模式作为我国企业伦理的主要伦理模式之一,主要以民营企业尤其是家族企业为主。其特征主要表现为,企业内部以血缘、亲缘关系为基本纽带,沿着血缘、姻缘、人缘、地缘、学缘、业缘、关系缘的方向,由近及远、由亲及疏地组成一个同心圆网状结构。因而,企业在相当大的程度上受宗法规则支配。企业的核心是企业的董事长或总经理,围绕这一核心的第一层是与企业的董事长或总经理有血亲关系的人,围绕核心的第二层主要是具有血缘关系和非血缘关系的家族成员,也包括部分具有地缘关系的人。企业成为由无数私人关系搭成的网络,人与人之间的信任呈现出费孝通先生总结的“差序格局”,即以己为中心,和别人联系成的社会关系像水的波纹一般,一圈圈推出去,愈推愈远,也愈推愈薄。以情为核心、以服从为基本规范、家庭道德高于制度理性是家族企业最重要的伦理特征。血缘亲情模式作为我国企业伦理模式的重要组成部分,对企业的生存和发展至关重要。 The development of Chinese family-owned enterprises has become a hot issue in our society at present, and its role in economic life is also growing. According to statistics, among the non-public sectors of our economy, the number of family-owned enterprises has accounted for more than 80%, especially in parts of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, reaching more than 95%. Among the listed companies, we can also see more and more Family business figure. Blood relatives as one of the main ethical business ethics model, mainly private-owned enterprises, especially the family-based enterprises. Its characteristics are mainly manifested in the internal blood and kinship as the basic link, along the blood, marriage, popularity, geography, learning edge, industry edge, the relationship between the direction of the edge, from near and far, by the pro-and sparse formation of a Concentric reticular structure. Thus, the enterprise is to a large extent governed by the patriarchal rules. At the heart of an enterprise is the chairman or general manager of the enterprise. The first layer around this core is the person who has a blood relationship with the chairman or general manager of the enterprise. The second layer around the core is mainly blood and non-blood relationship Family members, but also some of the geographically-related people. Businesses have become networks of innumerable personal relationships. The trust between people presents the “difference pattern” summarized by Mr. Fei. That is, the social relations that are centered on one another and are associated with others are like water ripples , Launched in a circle, the more the more push, but also the more push thinner. Taking love as the core and obeying as the basic standard, it is the most important ethical characteristic of the family business that the family morality is higher than the institutional rationality. Kinship model as an important part of our business ethics model, the survival and development of enterprises is essential.
召开计划和评价会议。通常要召开绩效计划和评价专题会议,讨论有关计划下一轮绩效目标和上一轮的周期评价。评价者和被评价者应尽可能提前安排计划和评价会议时间。 Plannin
摘要:化学课程资源包含化学教材资源、课内资源、课外资源、社会资源、网络资源等等。化学课程资源丰富多彩,开发利用好化学课程资源,有利于实施素质教育,有利于学生的可持续发展,有利于培养学生的实践能力、思维能力和创新能力。  关键词:实验室;化学资源;开发与利用  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)21-085-1  开发化学资源的方式和途径很多,主要的是搜集信
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