醴陵:深入联系群众 创新代表管理

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为深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,加强和创新社会管理,进一步增强人大代表履职的主动性、积极性、创造性,加强人大代表同群众的联系沟通,更好反映群众呼声,维护群众合法权益,自觉接受选民和群众的监督,醴陵市人大常委会积极开展“与百姓连心,为百姓解困”活动,激发代表为民服务热情,更好地发挥代表主体作用。一是坚持党委领导。在醴陵市委的领导下,该市人大常委会及时成立了活动领导小组,将乡镇(街道)划分为网格,网格责任人由各区域人大工作负责 In order to further carry out the education and practice activities of the mass line of the party, strengthen and innovate social management, further enhance the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of NPC deputies to perform their duties, strengthen the liaison and communication between deputies of the NPC and the masses, better reflect the voices of the masses and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses , And consciously accept the supervision of the voters and the masses. Liling City People’s Congress actively carries out activities such as “connecting the people with the people and solving the problems for the people”, arousing the enthusiasm of the representatives on behalf of the people and giving better play to the role of representatives. First, adhere to the leadership of party committees. Under the leadership of the Liling Municipal Party Committee, the NPC Standing Committee of the city set up a leading group in time to divide villages and towns (streets) into grids and the grid owners are responsible for the work of people’s congresses of all regions
1 前言安徽省淮河流域位于淮河中游地段,地处北纬31°16′-34°39′,东经114°34′-119°15′,涉及全省9个地(市)、42个县(市、区),面积68119km~2,占全省总面积的49.3%,人口
On May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8.0 earthquake hit Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province resulted in great loss of life and properties.Besides, abundant landslides and
中原油田于2000年9月开始,在中小学进行了“基础+特长”的体育教学改革实验。两年来实验取得了初步的成效。 一、何为“基础+特长” 中原油田的体育教学改革实验