“昔人已乘黄鹤去,依然要领养老金”。 “昔人”已经撒手人间,也便没有了人间的一切贪欲,钱对他(她)有何用?很明显,贪钱的是活着的人,活着的人假借死了的人的名义,继续“养老”,继续拿那份钱。这钱花起来舒服吗?只有冒领者自己知道。 居家过日子,谁也离不开钱,钱当然是挣多一点的好。但是,“君子生财,取之有道”,连古人都倡导挣钱要合理合法,不能挣黑心钱、亏心钱。冒领养老金,于情于理于法都是相悖的。倘若逝者在天有灵的话,不知对此做何感想;有这样“生财有道”的儿女子孙,其脸面真不知要往哪里放才好。 实行养老保险,目的是要让“老有所养”成为现实。为了建立
“The old man has to take the yellow crane, still have to receive pension.” What is the use of money for him (her)? Obviously, those who are greedy for money are those who live, those who live under the guise of the dead, Continue “pension”, continue to take that share of money. Is this money comfortable? Only the adventurists knew it. Home to live, who can not do without money, of course, earn a little more money. However, “gentleman makes money, take the right way,” even the ancients have advocated making money to be reasonable and legitimate, can not earn black heart money, loss of heart money. To take a pension, in love with the law are contrary to the law. If the deceased is in the heavens and the spirit, I do not know what to think about it. There are such children and grandchildren who have a “generous lifestyle” and their faces really do not know where to go. The purpose of implementing old-age insurance is to make “old-age support” a reality. In order to build