
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwfpa1
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Background: In GERD patients, ineffective esophageal motility(IEM), a hypocont ractile disorder, is the most common motor abnormality. IEM has been associated with reflux in both the supine and upright position, prolonged esophageal cleara nce,and delayed of bolus transport. IEM has been equally present in erosive and in nonerosive GERD. Goal: Considering that reflux has been found to be more seve re in erosive GERD than in nonerosive GERD patients and that IEM delays esophage al clearance, our hypothesis is that patients with erosive GERD have more severe IEM than those with nonerosive disease.Study: A retrospective review of consecu tive manometries of patients with the chief complaint of heartburn and a diagnos is of IEM were performed, and patients with both erosive and nonerosive GERD wer e selected. According to the number of ineffective contractions, IEM was stratif ied into three groups:30%to 40%, mild; 50%to 60%, moderate; and greater than 60%, severe. We also registered the number of low amplitude,failed, and normal waves in each manometry of both groups.We evaluated 110 patients: 70 (64%) wit h erosive GERD and 40 (36%)with nonerosive GERD. The percentage of mild,moderat e and severe IEM was similar in erosive and in nonerosive GERD patients, as well the number of low amplitude, failed or normal waves (P< 0.5). Conclusion: There were no differences between the severity of IEM in erosive and in nonerosive GE RD patients. Background: In GERD patients, ineffective esophageal motility (IEM), a hypocont ractile disorder, is the most common motor abnormality. IEM has been associated with reflux in both the supine and upright positions, prolonged esophageal cleara nce, and delayed of bolus transport. IEM has been equally present in erosive and in nonerosive GERD. Goal: Considering that reflux has been found to be more seve re in erosive GERD than in nonerosive GERD patients and that IEM delays esophage al clearance, our hypothesis is that patients with erosive GERD have more severe IEM than those with nonerosive disease. Study: A retrospective review of consecu tive manometries of patients with the chief complaint of heartburn and a diagnosis of IEM were performed, and patients with both erosive and nonerosive GERD wer e selected. According to the Number of ineffective contractions, IEM was stratified into three groups: 30% to 40%, mild; 50% to 60%, moderate; and greater than 60%, severe. We also registered the n umber of low amplitude, failed, and normal waves in each manometry of both groups. We evaluated 110 patients: 70 (64%) wit h erosive GERD and 40 (36%) with nonerosive GERD. The percentage of mild, moderat e and severe IEM was similar in erosive and in nonerosive GERD patients, as well the number of low amplitude, failed or normal waves (P <0.5). Conclusion: There were no differences between the severity of IEM in erosive and in nonerosive GE RD patients.
一天早上,我打完羽毛球回到家,爸爸给我煮了一个鸡蛋。因为早上没吃饭的缘故,我的肚子早就饿得咕咕叫!一看到鸡蛋,我就像饿狼一样扑过去。可我的手刚拿到鸡蛋,就被烫得叫了起来!那个鸡蛋被我的手一碰,在桌上不停地转起圈来。我又把鸡蛋转动了一下,它竟然一转就是三四十圈!  我記得以前转鸡蛋的时候,都是只转了几圈就停下来了,今天是怎么回事呢?我问爸爸,爸爸说:“儿子,你以前好像是用生鸡蛋转的吧?”这句话提醒了
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