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利润最大化是企业的经营目标,但由于外部性的存在,企业在承担企业经营责任的同时,应承担与其经营相适应的社会责任。也就是说,企业的经营目标应该是为企业自身、客户和社会创造价值。在健全的市场制度下,企业追求利润、为客户创造价值及承担社会责任之间,不仅不矛盾而且基本一致;但是,在一个制度有缺陷的社会中,利润可能不是考核企业行为的最佳指标,因为片面追求企业经营利润最大化,往往以牺牲消费者和社会的利益为代价,特别是社会的利益。改革开放30多年来,我国已经形成了以公有制经济为主体,多种经济形式并存的社会主义市场经济体制。不同性质的企业的经营方式、利润来源、追求利益的方向和对利益相关方的态度等方面千差万别。因此,如何平衡企业效益和社会效益变得尤为重要。只有在不断完善制度的同时,加强对企业的管制,才能实现企业效益和社会效益的有机统一。处于竞争市场中的水泥企业,随着多种经济形式企业的出现,运营形式差别拉大,作为主要原料的石灰石矿山,因制度的完善度和执行度的问题,严重影响了企业公平竞争,加强企业管制尤为重要。以下通过对矿山企业的经营过程中对矿山资源综合利用、矿山安全和矿山植被恢复等企业和社会问题的处理分析,讨论如何实现企业效益和社会效益的平衡,推动社会经济的可持续发展。 Profit maximization is the business goal of the enterprise. However, due to the externalities, the enterprise should bear the social responsibilities corresponding to its operation while undertaking the enterprise management responsibility. In other words, the business objectives of the enterprise should be for the enterprise itself, customers and the community to create value. In a sound market system, the pursuit of profit, the creation of value for customers and the commitment to social responsibility are not only contradictory but also basically consistent; however, in a system with a deficit society, profit may not be the best indicator of the behavior of enterprises Because one-sided pursuit of maximizing the profits of business operations often comes at the expense of consumers and the interests of society, especially the interests of society. Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, our country has formed a socialist market economic system in which the public ownership economy is the mainstay and various economic forms coexist. Different types of business management methods, sources of profits, the pursuit of the interests of the direction and attitude of stakeholders vary widely. Therefore, how to balance the effectiveness of enterprises and social benefits has become particularly important. Only in the continuous improvement of the system at the same time, strengthen the control of enterprises in order to achieve the organic unity of business and social benefits. Cement enterprises in the competitive market, with the emergence of a variety of economic forms of enterprises, widening the scope of operation of different forms of limestone mines as the main raw material, due to system improvement and implementation issues, seriously affecting the fair competition and strengthening Corporate governance is particularly important. The following analysis of how to realize the balance between business benefits and social benefits and promote the sustainable development of society and economy through the analysis of enterprises and social issues such as comprehensive utilization of mine resources, mine safety and vegetation vegetation recovery during the operation of mining enterprises.
把50 g五味子放入容器中,用500 g的开水浸泡2天。浸泡好的五味子汁呈鲜红色,口感非常酸,不能直接饮用,需要稀释。把浸泡好的五味子汁,加入300 g开水和50 g的纯蜂蜜,按这个比