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目的通过377例病残儿资料进行统计分析,评价出生缺陷干预工作成效,为今后出生缺陷综合干预工作提供依据。方法通过我县近10年的病残儿医学鉴定病例,采用回归性调查表法初筛的可疑阳性患儿,并嘱其到二级甲以上医院进行确诊。按照《山东省病残儿医学鉴定诊断标准》对377例病残儿进行统计分析。结果金乡县病残儿发生疾病种类82种(结构性出生缺陷主要包括先天性心脏病,四肢畸形和先天性唇腭裂;功能性出生缺陷主要包括:先天性智力低下,脑瘫和视力障碍),农村病残儿发生率明显高于城镇,病残儿男女性别比304∶100。综合干预工作实施后一胎病残儿发生率显著降低,二胎病残儿发生率下降不明显。结论出生缺陷干预工作对降低病残儿发生取得明显成效;但应加强对二胎待孕育龄人群的优生宣传力度,促进出生缺陷干预措施的进一步实施。 Objective To analyze the data of 377 sick and disabled children to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions for birth defects and provide basis for comprehensive intervention for birth defects in the future. Methods Through the county nearly 10 years of disabled children medical identification of cases, the use of regression questionnaire screening of suspicious positive children, and instruct it to the two more than a hospital for diagnosis. According to the “Diagnostic Criteria for Identification of Disabled Children in Shandong Province”, 377 cases of disabled children were analyzed statistically. Results 82 kinds of disease were found in disabled children in Jinxiang County (structural birth defects mainly include congenital heart disease, limb deformities and congenital cleft lip and palate; functional birth defects mainly include congenital mental retardation, cerebral palsy and visual impairment) The incidence of rural disabled children was significantly higher than that of urban areas, and the disabled children’s sex ratio was 304: 100. After the implementation of comprehensive intervention, the incidence of one fetus and one disabled child was significantly reduced, while the incidence of the second disabled child was not obvious. Conclusion The intervention of birth defects has achieved remarkable results in reducing the incidence of disabled children. However, efforts should be made to promote prenatal education of second-parity pregnant women and to promote the implementation of interventions for birth defects.
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