2011年9月,怀着对未来的憧憬,我毅然决然地放弃了工作的机会,到英国去完成自己的研究生学业。我曾经以为出国留学就是那么回事,去异国他乡感受一下culture shock(文化冲击),让自己见见世面;而我去的又是英国,现在英国对国人来说,并不陌生。然而直到我真正到了英国,我才意识到,别人讲的、书上看到的、视频里播放的,这些都不如自己到当地亲身感受一番。文化:天气、足球和音乐我的学校在英国利物浦,作为欧洲最早的港口城市,利物浦这座英国小城其实安宁而恬适。中学的英语课上,老师
In September 2011, with a vision for the future, I resolutely gave up the opportunity to work in Britain to complete my graduate studies. I used to think that it was just the same thing to go abroad to study abroad, to experience the culture shock in a foreign country and let myself see the world. And I went to Britain again. Now Britain is no stranger to people in China. However, it was not until I really arrived in Britain that I realized that what others said, what the book saw, and what was playing on the video, were not as good as they were to the locality themselves. Culture: Weather, Football and Music My school in Liverpool, England, as Europe’s earliest port city, Liverpool, this English town is actually peaceful and comfortable. High school English class, teacher