Study on Turn-taking Strategies in English TV News

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   Abstract: the news interview is a quite different conversational discourse, its special turn-taking organization not only establishes the basic conversation pattern for the news interview program, but also restricts the interviewer and interviewees’ utterance. Through the analysis, the research founds that, due to the institutional power, the interviewer and interviewees may employ the different strategies.
  Key Words: TV news interview; turn-taking strategies; institutional power; interviewer; interviewee
  1. Introduction
  Sacks, Jefferson, and Schegloff (1974) studied turn-taking strategies in everyday conversation and proposed turn-taking model. The turn-taking model includes turn yielding, turn holding, turn claiming and feedback. According to Diamond (1996:114), power can be divided into two kinds: institutional power and contextual power. Institutional power includes legitimate, coercive, reward and expert power, and contextual power consists of information power, expert power and referent power. TV news interview program belongs to an institutional interview talk. This thesis elaborates on the differences between the interviewer and interviewees in their turn-taking strategies in English TV news interview program, and the possible causes for the differences. The source of data for this study is the transcripts of Dialogue, a popular English TV news interview program broadcasted by CCTV-9.
  2. Difference in turn control strategies between interviewer and interviewee
  2.1 Difference in turn yielding methods between interviewer and interviewee
  Table 2-1: The interviewer and the interviewees’ total turns and the numbers of different turn yielding methods

  According to Diagram 2-1,the ratio of the interviewer’s nomination turns their total turns is 616/847=0.7272; the ratio of the interviewees’ nomination turns to their total turns is 14/923=0.0152; the ratio of the interviewer’s self-selection turns to their total turns is 174/847=0.2054; the ratio of the interviewees’ self-selection turns to their total turns is 18/923=0.0195; the ratio of the interviewer’s complete self-selection turns to their total turns is 57/847=0.0673; the ratio of the interviewees’ complete self-selection turns to their total turns is 891/923=0.9859. There is difference in the distribution of turn-yielding methods between the interviewer and the interviewees.
  Among the three turn yielding methods, nomination is the most powerful and institutionalized one. Compared with nomination, self-selection exhibits relatively less power. Complete self-selection, however, shows the least power of the speaker who yields a turn. Interviewer shares the highest power and is at the top of the power hierarchy. Interviewees enjoy less power and are in the middle of power hierarchy. In order to fulfill their institutional roles, interviewer employs nominations to yield a turn much more frequently than interviewees do, and the difference between the two ratios is huge. As far as self-selection is concerned interviewer still uses more self-selections than interviewees do. However, interviewees use much more complete self-selections than the interviewer does, which shows that interviewees enjoy less institutional power than interviewer.
  2.2 Difference in turn claiming methods between interviewer and interviewee
  Table 2-2: The interviewer’s and the interviewees’ total turns and the numbers of different turn-claiming methods.

  According to Diagram 2-2,the ratio of the interviewer’s insertion turns to their total turns is 722/847=0.8524; The ratio of the interviewees’ insertion turns to their total turns is 886/923=0.9599; the ratio of the interviewer’s interruption turns to their total turns is 31/847=0.0366; the ratio of the interviewees’ interruption turns to their total turns is 9/923=0.0098; the ratio of the interviewer’s overlap turns to their total turns is 94/847=0.1109; the ratio of the interviewees’ overlap turns to their total turns is 28/923=0.0303. There is difference in the distribution of turn-claiming methods between the interviewer and the interviewees.
  Turn-claiming methods employed by both interviewer and interviewees, which are insertion, overlap and interruption have been discussed. Among the three turn-claiming methods, insertion is the most polite form with the least power. Interruption is the rudest form with the strongest power. Interviewer uses insertion to evaluate or comment on interviewees’ talk, or raise questions to control the direction of the conversation, while interviewees just insert utterance to follow interviewees’ topics or answer their questions. Most overlaps in TV news program result from the wrong prediction of right ending of former speaker’s utterance. Both interviewer and interviewees use this turn-claiming method, but proportions of both sides are little. Interviewer interrupts interviewees to control the topic development and allocate turns, while interviewees interrupt each other to present their different ideas while interviewer is more powerful in controlling the turns and the development of topics than interviewee.
  3. Conclusion
  There are huge differences between the amount of turn-control strategies employed by the interviewer and interviewees. As far as turn-yielding methods are concerned, there are huge differences between the interviewer and interviewees. The interviewer uses much more nominations than the interviewees. Nomination is done by various means, either by calling the name or using pronouns etc. The interviewer uses comparatively more self-selections than the interviewees, and the ratio difference is huge, which also manifests that both the interviewer and interviewees are well adapting themselves to their institutional powers because self-selection is a relatively more powerful method to give the turn. However, the interviewer employs much less complete self-selections than the interviewees and the ratio difference is huge, which indicates that the interviewees are in a comparatively powerless status as complete self-selection is the most powerless way to yield a turn. Signals of bidding for a turn are more frequently used by the interviewees, which show their weak power and strong intentions to claim the floor. In this way both the interviewer and interviewees well performed the roles distributed by the TV news interview program.
  Most of the time, both the interviewer and interviewees use insertions to claim a turn. There are no huge differences between the two ratios. It seems that they share almost the same power in claiming a turn, but in fact, both the interviewer and interviewees employ insertions to well adapt to their own institutional powers because the politeness manifested in insertions is a ritual one to the interviewer but a real one to the interviewees in such an institutional discourse. The interviewer uses comparatively more overlaps and interruptions than the interviewees. Though interruptions are not expected in conversation, especially in institutional discourse and are regarded as a rude form, it is necessary for the interviewer to employ interruptions to fulfill his role as monitors of the program and to achieve the institutional goals of the program in appropriate times.
  The analysis shows that the interviewer and interviewees enjoy different powers in the TV news interview program and roles as well as their corresponding powers are most important aspects for both the interviewer and interviewees to adjust their behaviors. The ratio differences of turn control strategies employed by the interviewer and interviewees prove that they have realized their institutional powers.
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【摘要】泛读是相对于精读而言的,通过泛读可以激发学生的阅读兴趣扩大学生的词汇量,提高学生的阅读速度,使学生了解更多的英语国家的文化背景知识。因此,英语教学只有“精”、“泛”并举,并加强泛读教学,才能真正提高学生的综合阅读能力。  【关键词】英语 泛读 教学    职业教育重在培养具有实际工作能力的技能型和应用型人才。学生对英语阅读理解能力的强弱反映其综合能力和素质,决定了他是否能运用英语知识和阅读
摘 要:翻译学是一门跨学科,是一个综合的、开放的系统。它与许多学科息息相通。从语言学到文艺学、哲学、心理学、美学、乃至数学、逻辑学和新起的符号学、信息学等等,都有关系;然而,她又有独立性。在跨学科研究之途中,现代翻译研究必须突破原来那个封闭的、片面的译论范围,作为综合型的学科来加以构筑。运用鲁迅先生所倡导的“拿来主义”:运用脑髓,放出眼光,自己来拿,将其他学科精髓为我所用。克服“盲人摸象”片面分析
摘 要:课堂提问是组织课堂教学的中心环节,是一门集设疑、激趣、引思为一体的教学艺术,课堂提问效果的好坏,往往成为衡量一堂课成功与否的关键。在教学过程中教师善于把握问题的难度和广度,注意提问艺术,尊重个体差异,注重提问时机和节奏,科学地设计并进行课堂提问,就能优化课堂结构,有效地提高英语课堂教学效率。  关键词:课堂提问 问题难度 把握时间    提问,从广义上讲,是指任何有询问形式或询问功能的句子
摘要:新课程背景下课堂教学中英语教师角色的转变是一个值得研究的问题,本文试从英语教师学习新课标、树立新理念、发展新策略、拓宽新知识等方面就这一问题展开探讨。  关键词:新课程 新课堂教学策略 角色定位  新课程标准的实施对英语教师的课堂教学转变提出了三大目标:一是以知识为本的教育理念转变为以学生发展为本的教育理念,重新认识课程的目标与定位;二是重新认识师生关系,树立新的学生观;三是发展新的教学策略
摘要:NSEFC教材的教学内容贴近学生的生活,富有较强的时代气息,有利于提高学生的思想品质和人文修养。 NSEFC教材在采用话题、功能和结构相结合的教学方法的基础上,设计了一些任务型教学活动,符合新课程标准的精神。每年的英语高考考题大都来源于课文但又高于课文。来源于课文有助于学生对课文的学习,也有助于教师对课文的教学。因此,如何结合新课标高中英语教材的特点,走出高三英语复习教学的新路子,对于学生高
众所周知,形容词(短语)可以作定语、表语和补语。但在实际运用中,形容词(短语)作状语的现象并不少见。深刻认识这一语言现象,定会对我们在阅读、翻译等教学活动中准确理解句意起到积极作用。现就有关问题探讨如下。  一、 形容词作状语的语法特征   1.(修饰语+) 单个形容词作状语。如:   He said nothing but sat silent smoking. 他没有讲话,只静静地坐着抽烟。 
一、反思研究的必要性    我国的教师培训大多费时长,规模大,效果低。而新课改要求我们更新观念,进行教学改革。师资培养应该注重对教师的人文关怀,强调教师作为终身学习者的理念。要做“研究型教师”就要求教师不但终身学习,还应掌握科学的方法,而反思性教学无疑是较为可行的。虽然教学任务、心理和经济压力、个人进修等使许多教师目前无法进行反思性教学研究,但只要认识到它的重要性和作用,并持之以恒,就一定能找到专
摘 要:礼貌的言语并不总是表示礼貌,在关系亲密的人之间常常使用不礼貌的言语来表示礼貌,因为它能够拉进人际距离,但是这种不礼貌言语的使用有一定的语用条件。  关键词:礼貌原则 不礼貌 人际距离 语用    缘 起  如果你来到一个陌生的城市,想要请路上的行人给你指指路,请问你会使用下面哪一句话:  (1)你好!请问去……该怎么走?(说话时可能会面带微笑)  (2)去……该咋走?有时间没?你带我去吧!