
来源 :西北师大学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quhaoshu
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现代社会心理学强调明晰性、确定性、绝对性、普遍性、终极性 ,社会心理学后现代理论强调不确定性、无序性、相对性、独特性、反中心主义 ;现代社会心理学是哲学实证主义影响下的产物 ,而量子力学、系统论、信息论、控制论、耗散结构论、协同论、突变论对后现代社会心理学产生了深刻的作用和影响。对于现代社会心理学的反省和对于社会心理学后现代理论的构思中 ,可以得到两点启发 :一、社会心理学乃至整个心理学的研究与其说是对永恒真理的探求与发展 ,毋宁说是对特定社会文化状况的反应 ,应随历史时代的演变和社会文化的变化而改变模式 ,心理学之可能的知识形态决不止一种 ,而是多种 ,无论从理论上还是从方法上 ,心理学都是多元的。二、现代实证心理学视“客观方法”为神圣追求 ,社会心理学后现代理论终止了视“客观方法”为神圣追求的观念 ,这为心理学参与现实社会文化生活开拓了通道 Modern social psychology emphasizes clarity, certainty, absoluteness, universality, ultimateism, social psychology Postmodern theory emphasizes uncertainty, disorder, relativity, uniqueness, anti-centrism; modern social psychology is Philosophical positivism under the influence of the product, and quantum mechanics, systems theory, information theory, cybernetics, dissipative structure theory, synergy theory, catastrophe theory on post-modern social psychology had a profound effect and impact. There are two enlightenments in the reflection of modern social psychology and in the conception of postmodern theory of social psychology. First, the study of social psychology and even the whole psychology is not so much a quest for and development of the eternal truth as it is The response to a particular social and cultural situation should change with the evolution of the historical era and changes in society and culture. There is more than one possible form of psychology, but more than one, regardless of whether it is theoretically, methodologically, psychologically Learning is diverse. Second, the modern empirical psychology as the “objective method” for the sacred pursuit of social psychology postmodern theory ended as the “objective method” for the sacred pursuit of the concept of psychology for participation in the actual social and cultural life to open up the channel
该文报道了中国唇形科植物一新归化种-荆芥叶狮耳草[Leonotis nepetifolia(L.)R.Br.],该种_的发现代表狮耳草属[Leonotis(Pers.)R.Br.]在中国的新归化。狮耳草属的主要特征为轮伞花序腋