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在声乐教学中,教师要及时发现和纠正学生在歌唱中随时出现的各种毛病,如果教师经常用语言提示,往往会打断学生的演唱,使演唱支离破碎,同时还会影响学生的情绪,破坏艺术的统一,如能恰当地运用手势进行暗示,往往会收到良好的效果。例如:在发现学生发声时提气,教师可用一手弹琴,另一只手用手掌做下压的动作,提示学生气要下沉。在发现学生声带闭合不好“漏气”时,可用中指和食指并拢,做用力状,提示学生声带要“卡”住。当学生声音发“扁”时,可将手掌垂直于小臂边连续做几个向上向后的动作,提示学生打开咽腔,声束贴住后咽壁等等。这些动作完全可以在教师为学生弹伴奏的同时随时来完成,学生在演唱的同时,如同一个合唱队员看指挥一样,随时接收到了由教师发出的信息指令。手势的表现力是十分丰富的。一个聋哑人可以通过手势表达自己的心声,教师完全可以在实践中摸索出一套能表达自己意图的声乐教学手势来。在声乐教学中运用手势要注意以下几个方面:1、手势要形象、固定。只有手势形象,学生才能从手势上得到启发,教师只有经常用比较固定的手势来表达一个意图,学生才能理解教师的用意,达到心灵上的沟通。2、手势要与语言结合。手势可以在某些方面代替语言来表达人的意 In the teaching of vocal music, teachers should promptly find out and rectify the various problems that students appear at any moment in their singing. If teachers often use language to prompt, they often interrupt students ’singing and make the concert fragmented, at the same time it will also affect students’ emotions and vandalism The unity of the arts, if properly hinted at with gestures, often receives good results. For example, if you find that students are raising their breath, the teacher can use one hand to play the piano and the other hand to press down with the palm of your hand to prompt the student to sink. Found in the students vocal cord is not closed well, “leak”, available middle finger and forefinger close together, do the force-like, prompt students vocal cords to “card ” to live. When the student’s voice “flat ”, the palm perpendicular to the edge of the arm to do a few upward and backward movements, prompts students to open the pharynx, sound beam sticking to the posterior pharyngeal wall and so on. These actions can be completed at any time while the teacher plays the student accompaniment. The students, while singing, are just like a choir member watching the conductor, receiving the instruction message from the teacher at any time. Expression of gestures is very rich. A deaf and mute people can express their feelings through gestures, and teachers can completely find a set of vocal teaching gestures that can express their intention in practice. Vocal teaching in the use of gestures should pay attention to the following aspects: 1, gestures to the image, fixed. Only gesture image, students can get inspiration from the gestures, teachers often only use a relatively fixed gesture to express an intention, the students can understand the teacher’s intention to achieve the spiritual communication. 2, gestures and language to combine. Gestures can in some ways replace the language to express one’s intentions
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