本期话题 优秀公关人是如何炼成的

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对于高速增长中的公共关系行业而言,没有什么比人才更紧缺的了。2007年11月,在北京国际关系学院召开的“首届中国公共关系人才战略论坛暨人才咨询会”上,一方面,专家指出高校在公关人才教育上的缺失,公关专业公司感叹合格的公关人才难求;另一方面,数百大学生热挤招聘咨询会,寻找进入公关职场的通道。从这个层面,中国公关行业并不缺人,而是缺人才,尤其缺少优秀的专业人才。为此,《国际公关》杂志和中国公关网邀请了三位在公关人才成长方面有着丰富经验和切身体会的资深人士,就如何成为优秀公关人这一话题,进行了深入探讨。编者相信,无论是即将进入公关行业的在校大学生,还是初涉职场的公关新手,抑或是“半途出家”转入公关行业的人士,都能从这几位嘉宾的高见宏论和散言琐语中,得到一些职场“修炼”的启示。 For the rapidly growing public relations industry, nothing is more scarce than talent. On November 1, 2007, at the Beijing International Relations Institute, “The First China Public Relations Talents Strategy Forum and Talent Consultation Meeting”, on the one hand, experts pointed out the lack of public relations talents education in colleges and universities, and the public relations professional company lamented the qualified public relations On the other hand, hundreds of undergraduates are busy hiring a consultative meeting to look for ways to enter the public relations workplace. At this level, the public relations industry in China is not a shortage of people, but the lack of talent, especially the lack of outstanding professionals. To this end, PR and PR China have invited three veterans who have extensive experience and personal experience in PR talent development, and conducted in-depth discussions on how to become an excellent PR. Editors believe that both the upcoming entry into the public relations industry college students, or beginners involved in the field of public relations newbie, or “halfway home ” into the public relations industry, from these guests insightful and discursive Suffix, get some career “practice” enlightenment.
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