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阿尔泰,蒙古族诗人,锡盟太仆寺旗人,自治区劳动模范,享受国务院政府特贴专家,中国作协六届、七届主席团委员,八省区蒙古语文工作协作小组成员。1966年起发表作品。先后出版《飞马》《阿尔泰诗选》《散文诗选》(合集)《阿尔泰儿童作品选》《波涛集》《犊牛的牧场》《心灵的报春花》《阿尔泰新诗选》《诗话集》《阿尔泰诗集》等。翻译出版《草叶集》(惠特曼著),主编出版《阳光草原》丛书——《诗歌卷》等多部。诗作《洁白的蒙古包》、诗集《心灵的报春花》、《阿尔泰新诗选》先后获全国少数民族文学创作“骏马奖”;1993年获《庄重文文学奖》;《心灵的报春花》、《放牛人》分别获“索龙嘎”一等奖;《阿尔泰新诗选》获自治区“五个一工程”奖。其作品被国内外翻译介绍,并多次入选高等院校当代文学教材。群众先后三次自发地举办了《阿尔泰诗歌专场朗诵会》。阿尔泰在《花的原野》文学期刊工作近二十年,发现和扶持了一大批文学新人。从上世纪七十年代开始,其诗歌在我国蒙古族读者中广为流传。现任内蒙古文联副主席、内蒙古作协主席。 Altai, Mongolian poet, the flag of the Taipus of Ximeng, an exemplary model worker in the autonomous region, enjoy the State Department government special paste experts, the Chinese Writers’ Association six, seven members of the presidium, eight provinces and autonomous regions, Mongolian language work collaboration group. Published works since 1966. Has published “Pegasus”, “Altai poetry” “Prose Poetry” (collection) “Altai children’s works” “waves set” “Calf Ranch” “soul primrose” “Altai New Poetry” “poetry collection ”Altay poetry“ and so on. Translation and publication ”grass leaves set“ (Whitman), editor of ”Sunshine Prairie“ series - ”Poetry Volume“ and many other. Poetry ”white yurt“, the collection of poetry, ”the heart of Primrose“, ”Altai new poetry selection“ has won the national minority literary creation ”Horse Award“; 1993 ”Zhuang heavy literature award“; ”soul Primula “,” Put cattle “were” “Solonga ” first prize; “Altai New Poetry” by the autonomous region “five one project ” award. His works have been introduced both at home and abroad, and have been enrolled in the contemporary literature textbooks of colleges and universities for many times. The masses held “Arhat Poetry Special Readings” spontaneously three times. Altay spent nearly twenty years in the literary periodical of “Flowers in the Wild”, discovering and supporting a large number of new literary people. From the seventies of last century, its poems widely circulated in China’s Mongolian readers. Incumbent Inner Mongolia Federation of literary and art circles vice president, chairman of Inner Mongolia Writers Association.
三湘大地钟灵毓秀,代出鸿儒硕彦。战国之三闾大夫和明末之船山先生,可谓个中翘楚。 Zhongxiang Yung-Ling earth, on behalf of Hongru seiko. The Three Kingdoms of the W
她是非洲第1位民选女总统,她是全球第51位最有影响力的女性,她的人生充满传奇。作为女性,埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫(EllenJohnson Sirleaf)既是不幸的,又是幸运的。 “女人”这