Effects of Potassium Permanganate on Respiratory Movement in Carassius auratus under Different Condi

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[Objective] To observe the effects of potassium permanganate on respiratory rate and cough frequency of Carassius auratus in different conditions. [Method] According to the simple factor design of experiment, the respiratory rate and cough frequency of Carassius auratus were recorded. The factors included concentration of potassium permanganate, temperature, duration time and pH values. [Result] The respiratory rate and cough frequency of Carassius auratus were increased and then decreased with the increasing concentrations of potassium permanganate, rising temperature, and duration of medicated bath. The Carassius auratus had the best respiratory function at pH 7.0. The strong acid and strong alkali caused lesions and inhibited the respiratory function of Carassius auratus. [Conclusion] The potassium permanganate at different concentrations may have an impact on the cough frequency and respiratory rate of Carassius auratus. [Objective] To observe the effects of potassium permanganate on respiratory rate and cough frequency of Carassius auratus in different conditions. [Method] According to the simple factor design of experiment, the respiratory rate and cough frequency of Carassius auratus were recorded. The factors included concentration of potassium permanganate, temperature, duration time and pH values. [Result] The respiratory rate and cough frequency of Carassius auratus were increased and then decreased with the increasing concentrations of potassium permanganate, rising temperature, and duration of medicated bath. The Carassius auratus had the best respiratory function at pH 7.0. The strong acid and strong alkali caused lesions and inhibited the respiratory function of Carassius auratus. [Conclusion] The potassium permanganate at different concentrations may have an impact on the cough frequency and respiratory rate of Carassius auratus.
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