林业发展如何 人大客观评说——省人大常委会议省林业厅工作

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根据《吉林省各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督条例》的有关规定和省十届人大常委会第十次会议关于开展述职评议和工作评议的部署,省人大常委会主任会议研究决定,7月至9月,省人大常委会对省林业厅工作进行评议。按照评议工作实施方案的要求,自7月中旬至8月中旬近一个月的时间,省人大农业与农村委员会组成的评议工作组分阶段、分层次、分类别开展调查工作。首先,评议工作组专门听取了林业厅厅长刘延春所作的全面工作情况的汇报,沟通和交流了有关情况。之后,评议工作组分别与班子成员谈话并逐项听取了各有关处、室工作情况的汇报,听取了省林业科学院等直属单位和省森工集团对省林业厅工作的评价及对全省林业工作的 According to the relevant provisions of the “Regulations on Supervision of Standing Committees of People’s Congresses in Jilin Province” and the tenth meeting of the Tenth National People’s Congress Standing Committee on carrying out debriefing and review of work arrangements, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress decided to study from July to In September, the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee made a comment on the work of the Provincial Forestry Department. According to the implementation plan of assessment work, from the middle of July to the middle of August, nearly a month’s time, the provincial People’s Congress agricultural and rural committee composed of review working groups in stages, at different levels and sub-categories to carry out investigations. First of all, the working group deliberated on hearing the report on the overall work done by Director Liu Yanchun of the Forestry Department, and communicated and exchanged the relevant information. Afterwards, the reviewing working group separately talked with the members of the team and listened to the reports on the work of each department and room one by one. They listened to the evaluation of the work of Provincial Forestry Department and the provincial forestry departments directly under the Provincial Forestry Academy, work
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