选择什么样的外贸发展策略,关系到整个特区经济的发展方向以及特区今后的发展前途。汕头特区的进出口贸易应选择什么样的发展策略呢?笔者认为,应从两方面来考虑: 一、调整进口商品结构,使进口为开发新产品、先进技术产品服务。
What kind of foreign trade development strategy is chosen will affect the development direction of the entire SAR economy and the future development of the SAR. What kind of development strategy should be chosen for the import and export trade of Shantou Special Economic Zone? The author believes that it should be considered from two aspects: First, adjust the structure of imported goods so that imports will be used to develop new products and advanced technology products.