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人类环境包括物质和精神两个方面,作为物质的环境。它包括人口、交通、水土、大气自然资源以及建筑物本身及群体等,作为精神的环境亦有它丰富的内涵,包括广阔的文化背景,对人的生理、心理产生着巨大的影响。现代环境艺术作为一种新的文化形式适应现代社会复杂、矛盾、多元的现实,融建筑、园林、壁画、雕塑等为一体,包括了阳光、植物、水域等自然因素以及社会、文化,人的行为等精神因素,使人们在更大范围内以自存的生存空间为语言媒介,通过它来完善自我,实现自我。萌芽于包豪斯,诞生于后代的现代环境艺术必将深入到生活的各个角落,科技与艺术高度渗透,生活与艺术难分彼此,实用艺术和纯艺术浑然一体。环境艺术将柔化技术主宰的人 The human environment includes both physical and spiritual aspects as a physical environment. It includes population, transportation, water and soil, atmospheric natural resources, and buildings themselves and groups. As a spiritual environment, it also has its rich connotations, including a broad cultural background, and has a tremendous impact on human physiology and psychology. As a new cultural form, modern environmental art adapts to the complex, contradictory and diverse realities of modern society. It integrates architecture, gardens, murals, sculptures, etc., and includes natural factors such as sunshine, plants, and water, as well as social, cultural, and human. Behavioral and other spiritual factors allow people to use the surviving living space as the linguistic medium on a wider scale. Through it, they can improve themselves and achieve self. Sprouted in Bauhaus, the modern environmental art born in the future generations will surely go deep into every corner of life. Technology and art are highly infiltrated, life and art are difficult to distinguish from each other, practical art and pure art are integrated. Environmental art will be dominated by softening technology
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1 前言华东建筑机械厂与中国建筑科学研究院建筑机械化研究所共同研制的HZD25型混凝土搅拌站(见图1),已由能源部水电施工设备质量检验测试中心进行了性能试验和工业性考核。