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独立保函在国际商业活动中具有大幅降低交易成本、提高交易效率的重要作用,被誉为“国际商业社会的生命血液”。2016年11月18日,最高人民法院发布《关于审理独立保函纠纷案件若干闻题的规定》,对于解决司法实践中裁翔标准不统一问题,服务和保障“一带一路”建设,促进我国进一步对外开放,具有重大的现实和战略意义。本案虽于程关于审理独立保函纠纷案件若干问题的规定》施行前作出终审判决,但法院充分尊重当事入之间的意思自治,以国际商会《见索即付保函统一规则》的内容作为认定当事人权剩义务的重要依据,对于理解独立保函的独立性和单据性两个核心特征颇有裨益。 Independent guarantees have an important role in international business activities in reducing transaction costs and improving transaction efficiency. They are praised as “the blood of the international business community.” On November 18, 2016, the Supreme People’s Court promulgated the “Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Cases of Discrepancy in Independent Guarantees”, which is of great significance to resolving the problem of inconsistencies in standards, service and protection in the judicial practice, and promoting the development of the “Belt and Road” Further opening up to the outside world is of great realistic and strategic significance. Although this case made the final judgment before the implementation of the Provisions of Cheng on Several Issues Concerning the Dispute Issue of Indemnity Guarantees, the court fully respected the autonomy of means between the parties and determined the contents of the Uniform Rules for Seek Secure Payments by the International Chamber of Commerce The important basis for the litigant’s right to obligation remuneration is of great benefit to the understanding of the two core features of independence and evidence.
闽经资能( 2000) 76号各地(市)经委、国税局、地税局,各有关厅、局、总公司: 为规范我省资源综合利用认定管理工作,根据国经贸资源[1998]716号文及闽经贸能[1999]426号文,经研究,决定成立福建省资源综合利用认
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The paper told us a friendship story between the author and Mr Akitomo Akira,the celebrated Master of Chinese copper coins. The paper told us a friendship stor
描红荷露烹茶诗茶碗,微敞口,深壁,敛胫,浅圈足。通体以矾红彩料描绘花纹。口沿内外及敛胫处各饰矾红彩料底留白的如意形纹。碗外壁白地上以矾红彩料题书乾隆御制诗“荷露烹茶”一首。碗内底心描绘荷塘莲花图,外为与口沿内外相同的如意形纹一周。碗内壁中段留白。碗外底心以矾红彩料落“大清乾隆年制”六字三行篆书款。轻薄的胎体,细腻的质地,更加衬托出红彩的鲜艳。  茶壶与茶碗,主题装饰纹饰、御制诗文相同,应为整组配套
北宋哲宗元符年间(1098-1100年)铸行“元符通宝”铜铁钱,有小平、折二两种。钱文用篆、行、真、隶四书体。  笔者早年在齐齐哈尔集得一枚隶书“元符通宝”小平铁母钱。直径24.5毫米,穿径面8×7.2毫米,背7.2×7毫米,厚2毫米,重6.2克。精良的青铜质地,钱体规整厚重,边缘平滑,穿内光洁有斜度。钱文隶书有功力,笔划清晰,粗细均匀。其特点:“元符”二字略低于“通宝”二字。有一处可能为祖钱遗传