香菇[Lentinus edodes (Berk.)Sing.]高产优质菌株的选择及其子实体形态发生的细胞学观察

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为了鉴定野生香菇的经济性状,探讨选育高产优质菌株的较快途径,本试验利用1979年在鄂西山区采集分离得到的35个野生香菇菌株,加上从国内外收集到的香九、7625等10个香菇品种作为试验材料,一共45个菌号,并以引进的7402为对照,采用木屑装瓶栽培香菇的方法,进行了四次以产量为主的选种出菇试验。结果指出,在45个供试材料中,单产高于7402的有9个菌株,其中包括4个野生香菇菌株(HML44、HML55、HML57、HML58)。这就表明,我国香菇资源丰富,大量采集野生香菇菌株,直接从中选择适应我国的优良品种,或将它们留作育种亲本,是一项快速而切合实际的工作。从结构和功能相联系的观点出发,开展香菇的细胞学研究,可以提高良种选育工作的科学性。试验采用盐酸吉姆萨(HCl Giemsa)染色压片的方法,观察香菇担子中的核行为和三级菌丝体(tertiary mycelium)细胞核的分裂过程。这一初步探讨,可为今后的香菇良种选育工作,以及深入进行其细胞生物学研究提供参考。 In order to identify the economic traits of wild shiitake mushrooms and explore a quick way to breed high-quality and high-quality strains, 35 wild strains of Lentinula edodes collected in 1979 in western Hubei were used in this study. And other 10 mushroom varieties as a test material, a total of 45 bacteria number, and the introduction of 7402 as a control, the use of wood chips cultivation of mushrooms, four times to yield the main selection of mushroom test. The results showed that among the 45 tested materials, 9 strains with a yield of more than 7402, including 4 strains of wild shiitake mushrooms (HML44, HML55, HML57 and HML58), were included. This shows that our mushrooms are rich in resources, collecting a large number of wild strains of mushrooms, directly choose from them to adapt to our fine varieties, or leave them as breeding parents, is a fast and practical work. Starting from the point of view of structure and function, carrying out the cytological research on mushrooms can improve the scientific work of seed breeding. The test was performed by HCl Giemsa staining to observe the nuclear behavior and the division of the tertiary mycelium nucleus in shiitake mushrooms. This preliminary study can provide reference for the future breeding of elm mushrooms, as well as in-depth study of their cell biology.
  目的 观察高海拔地区CO2气腹对腹腔镜手术全麻患者动脉血气及呼末二氧化碳的影响.方法 选择腹腔镜手术患者22例,常规全麻诱导,在患者麻醉前(T1)、插管后5min(T20、气腹30
  目的 观察产妇麻醉前变换体引起的血压变化和腰硬联合麻醉后低血压发生之间的关系.方法 选ASA Ⅰ或Ⅱ级正常足月妊娠行剖宫产术的产妇180例,入室后常规监测,建立上肢静脉