Effect of Nitrogen on Apple Fruit Development in Different Loads

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gdmkhx
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The experiments including soil application N, thinning and priming leaf treatment, using eight -year-old apple trees (M. domestica Borkh.cv.Red Fuji/ M. hupenensis Rhed) as materials were carried out to study the effect of N on fruit development. The main results were as follows: on heavily thinned trees, SS activity was independent of N and priming leaves treatments. The results show that the carbohydrate restriction of source to sink activity did not exist, and N application did not stimulate fruit growth rates relative to those on nonfertilized trees; however, N fertilization resulted in a longer fruit development period and increased the growth potential of individual fruit by 20.8% (fresh weight) and 14.1% (dry weight) vs. controls ; in unthinned trees, SS activity was increased by N fertilization but decreased by priming leaves treatment , so the carbohydrate restriction of source to sink activity existed, N fertilization increased the average single fruit weight both by extending the fruit develo The experiments including soil application N, thinning and priming leaf treatment, using eight -year-old apple trees (M. domestica Borkh.cv.Red Fuji / M. hupenensis Rhed) as materials were carried out to study the effect of N on fruit The main results were as follows: on heavily thinned trees, SS activity was independent of N and priming leaves treatments. The results show that the carbohydrate restriction of source to sink activity did not exist, and N application did not stimulate fruit growth rates relative to those on nonfertilized trees; however, N fertilization resulted in a longer fruit development period and increased the growth potential of individual fruit by 20.8% (fresh weight) and 14.1% (dry weight) vs. controls; in unthinned trees, SS activity was increased by N fertilization but decreased by priming leaves treatment, so the carbohydrate restriction of source to sink activity existed, N fertilization increased the average single fruit weight both by extendin g the fruit develo
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目的 分析护理干预对胆结石手术患者的心理状态及生活质量的影响.方法 纳入符合标准的70例胆结石手术患者进行分析,研究于2016年9月-2020年7月期间进行,随机分组,常规护理用