中国科学院生态环境研究中心向国家科委提交的预警报告中指出,我国面临的十大生态问题是: 占国土65%的山区和9.7%的生态环境脆弱带,开发利用不当,易形成大范围的水土流失。森林面积不断缩小,采伐量远远超过生长量。沙漠化危害严重,北方沙漠面积达149万平方公里,约占国土面积15%。
According to the early warning report submitted by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to the State Science and Technology Commission, the ten major ecological problems our country faces are: mountainous areas accounting for 65% of the country’s territory and 9.7% eco-environment fragile zones, which are improperly developed and used, Soil and water loss. The area of forest is shrinking continuously, and the amount of harvest far exceeds the amount of growth. Severe desertification, the northern desert area of 1.49 million square kilometers, accounting for about 15% of land area.