
来源 :人民长江 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianming_zhang
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一、长江下游河道的窄段与宽段长江下游,从湖口到南京以下的龙潭,联一条直线,大约与正北成45°的角度,是这一段江流的基本方向;亦即江流是由西南流向东北。龙潭以下,长江才真是“大江东去”。安徽长江左岸湖东和安定街等地严重的江岸崩坍,可以认为是和江流的这个基本流向有关。但另外一个更有趣的现象是:这一段江流,几乎一直是紧紧地沿着右岸(甫岸)的山脚。形成许多岩矶和陡岸,左岸(北岸)则大都是沙洲和垸地。在安徽境内,长江左岸,与江流平行,有许多大大小小的湖泊,若断若续,与长江仅隔一带沉积垸地,并有许多河口,与长江相通。右岸虽也有一些湖泊,但面积较小,位置较高,不受江水的倒灌,与左岸湖 First, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the narrow section of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, from the mouth to the following Nanjing Longtan, a straight line, about 45 ° angle with the north, is the basic direction of this section of the river; that is, the river From the southwest to the northeast. Longtan, the Yangtze River is really “Dajiang East go.” The serious riverbank collapse in Hudong and Anding Street on the left bank of the Yangtze River in Anhui Province can be considered as being related to this basic flow of the river. However, another more interesting phenomenon is that this part of the river flows almost always along the foot of the right bank (Fu Bank). The formation of many Rocky and steep shore, left bank (North Shore) are mostly sandbanks and embankments. In Anhui Province, on the left bank of the Yangtze River, parallel to the river, there are many large and small lakes. If the lake is continued for a while, it will only be deposited along the Yangtze River with many embankments and many estuaries connecting the Yangtze River. Although there are some lakes on the right bank, they are smaller in size and higher in position and are not inflated by river water.
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