Analysis of complete plasticity assumption for solid circular shaft under pure torsion and calculati

来源 :中南大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edgecsst
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The distribution of shear stress on the cross-section of plastic metal solid circular shaft under pure torsion yielding,the applicability of complete plastic model assumption and the shear stress formula were researched.Based on the shear stress formula of circular shaft under pure torsion in elastic stage,the formula of torque in elastic stage and the definition of yield,it is obtained that the yielding stage of plastic metal shaft under pure torsion is only a surface phenomenon of torque-torsion angle relationship,and the distribution of shear stress is essentially different from that of tensile stress when yielding under uniaxial tension.The pure torsion platform-torsion angle and the shape of torque-torsion angle curve cannot change the distribution of shear stress on the shaft cross-section.The distribution of shear stress is still linear with the maximum shear stress rs.The complete plasticity model assumption is not in accordance with the actual situation of shaft under torsion.The experimental strength data of nine plastic metals are consistent with the calculated results of the new limiting strain energy strength theory (LSEST).The traditional yield stress formula for plastic shaft under torsion is reasonable.The shear stress formula based on the plane assumption in material mechanics is applicable for all loaded stages of torsion shaft.
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