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商品林是相对于公益林而言的,其主要培育目的在于满足市场对木材等林产品的需求。我国现行的限额采伐制度已成为落实高品林经营权、处置权的主要障碍,采伐许可证制度冲击了森林经营方案的规范、指导作用。为寻找商品林采伐制度中赋权与规制的均衡,需加强森林经营方案的规制作用,加快商品林采伐权交易市场建设等制度创新,完善商品林采伐制度。 Commercial forest is relative to the public welfare forest, its main purpose is to cultivate the market to meet the timber and other forest products. The current system of quota quotas in our country has become the major obstacle to the implementation of the management and disposal rights of high-quality forests. The system of logging permits has impacted the normative and guiding role of forest management schemes. In order to find a balance between empowerment and regulation in the system of harvesting commercial forests, it is necessary to strengthen the regulatory role of forest management plans, speed up institutional innovation in the construction of market for harvesting of commercial forests, and improve the system of harvesting commercial forests.
分析了道路裂缝产生的原因,并提出相应预防措施 The causes of road cracks are analyzed and the corresponding preventive measures are put forward
最新电影《哈利·波特与混血王子》上映首日的全球票房高达1.04亿美元,刷新了《哈利·波特》系列电影的票房纪录。今夏转会窗口开启之后,曼城队成为英超转会市 The latest b
是成是败,是得是失,都不再记录于罗迪克的脸上,仿佛一瞬间淡然得像一个穿梭过千军万马、看破尘世的智者。 Is a success or a loss, it is gain or loss, are no longer rec
过去的十多年中,乌克兰为世界足坛奉献了一位顶级前锋,舍甫琴科的存在大大推动了乌克兰足球的发展。在这枚“核弹头”日显钝化之际,乌克兰又涌现出了一位让“三冠王”巴塞罗那倾情相邀的后场球员,他就是顿涅茨克矿工的队副奇格林斯基。  奇格林斯基绝对是天赋异禀的球员,在亟需经验的后防位置上,未满21岁的他已然是矿工队和乌克兰队的领军人物,这种和年龄不相称的成熟,也令他获得了更多豪门关注的目光。奇格林斯基在乌克
Objectives define the boundaries of complex engineering system.It is a hard work to identify the specific objectives of a complex engineering system.The objecti
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