以深化改革为动力 搞活国有工业企业

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铁力市现有国有工业企业33户,其中预算内企业10户,共有固定资产3804.9万元,流动资金1124万元,职工6367人。到1993年末,全市国有工业企业亏损18户,亏损面为56%,亏损额高达735.8万元,固定资产净值不足700万元。加上历史挂帐1451万元,全系统严重资不抵债。为了探索国有企业解困求活的途径,我们一方面组织人员去外地学习先进经验,积极寻求救企良策;一方面对全市国有工业企业深入调查研究,逐个进行剖析诊断。通过深入分析,反复对比,广泛征求意见,使我们感到,只有深化改革,从理顺产权关系入手,着力转换经营机制,改善经营方式,激发企业发展的内在动力,才能从根本上解决困扰企业发展的深层次矛盾和问题。为此,我们从1993年开始,在突出深化改革、放开搞活国有工业企业上进行了积极探索和大胆实践,并取得了 There are 33 state-owned industrial enterprises in Tieli City, including 10 enterprises in the budget, a total of 38.049 million yuan in fixed assets, 11.24 million yuan in liquidity, and 6,367 employees. By the end of 1993, the state-owned industrial enterprises in the city had suffered a loss of 18 households with a loss of 56%, a loss of 7.358 million yuan and a net value of fixed assets of less than 7 million yuan. With historical records of 14.51 million yuan, the entire system is seriously insolvent. In order to explore ways for state-owned enterprises to solve difficulties and seek livelihood, we have on the one hand organized personnel to study advanced experience in other places and actively seek good strategies for the rescue of the enterprises; on the other hand, we conduct in-depth investigations and studies on state-owned industrial enterprises throughout the city and carry out analysis and diagnosis one by one. Through in-depth analysis, repeated comparisons, and extensive consultations, we feel that only by deepening reforms, starting from rationalizing property rights relations, focusing on transforming operating mechanisms, improving business practices, and stimulating the internal driving force for the development of enterprises can we fundamentally solve the problems that plague business development. Deep-seated contradictions and problems. To this end, starting in 1993, we have actively explored and boldly practiced in highlighting the deepening of reforms and liberalizing the invigoration of state-owned industrial enterprises.
微软Word for Windows的亮相使计算机业界传来“狼来了”的惊呼,使国内的文字处理软件黯然失色,以至许多业界人士纷纷叹道:国内开发的文字处理软件不堪一击.为了推翻这个理念
据统计,目前进口药品已占中国医药市场约22%的份额,并且国外制药公司纷纷通过独资办厂、合资控股等方式进军中国市场,目前中国医药三资企业已逾1500家,颇有大兵压境之势。 洋
在这里,人竟和榆钱儿一样,忙着生长,忙着飞走……  端阳日前,燥热的晚风卷过干裂的水泥地,枯黄的圆形小叶恣意飞起。你若有所思地问我:“榆钱儿名此,是因其形还是因其声?”  “我只愿叫它榆花。尚未脱离榆树的榆花淡雅如兰,净植如莲,只可惜随风飞走的样子却……”我在心里一次次呢喃,却没能出声告诉你。也许,和你讨论榆钱儿,与边刮骨疗毒边谈笑风生无甚差异。  你来自城市,你熟悉的是柏油马路和公交车,摩天大楼