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古今弄虚作假的事情甚多,撮其要者,不 外是蒙与骗。就人事而言,为了想得到的东西, 为了保住既得的利益,为了赢得上司赏识,为 了笼络下级的拥戴,惟有使出蒙上欺下的手 段。这往往是一些官员混迹官场,得以升迁的 不二法门。他们口口声声对领导负责,为人民 服务,实际上他们是既蒙领导又欺群众。可话 又说回来,有时候又不能完全说他们品质有问 题,官场的规则常常使他们不得不这样做,不 然就无法“生存”,甚至想做好事也做不了。但 此种蒙上欺下成为官场流弊,并成不可遏止之 势,却十分危险。上下其手,效尤者众,这是非 常可怕的。举一个简单的例子,领导到下边搞 调查研究,这本来是下属该极力促成的事。可 下边的人为了自己的前途计,总不免要玩一些 糊弄和蒙骗的伎俩,使领导们想了解的情况走 样打折,使调查研究走入歧途,以至得出与事 实完全相反的结论甚至最终影响到决策。 There are many things that make mistakes in ancient and modern times. In terms of human resources, in order to retain what they want, to retain their vested interests, to win the appreciation of their superiors, and to win over their subordinates, they should only be given the means of bullying. This is often the only official who has been detained in the officialdom for the promotion. They hold the blame on leadership and serve the people. In fact, they are both leaders and the masses. In other words, sometimes we can not completely say that they have problems with their quality. The rules of the officialdom often make them have to do so, or they can not “survive” or even do good things. However, it is very dangerous for such a bully to become an officialdom and an irreversible trend. Up and down their hands, especially in the public, this is very scary. To give a simple example, leading to the bottom to engage in investigation and research, which would have been subordinate strongly contributed to. The people below can always play tricks and fools for their own future, so that the leaders would like to understand the situation by discounting, so that the investigation and study go astray, and even come to the conclusion that is contrary to the facts and even the ultimate impact To decision.
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