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为加快梯田的建设速度,促进农业大上快上,我所自1975年以来对手推车、改制五铧犁、推土机和人工修梯田的施工工具和施工方法进行了调查和实验,取得了初步成果。一、手推车修梯田在机械化程度不高的情况下,用手推车修梯田,当前是一种易于应用,工效较高、质量较好的施工方法。(一)等距分段横向倒土法在地形规整、起伏变化不大的坡面采用这种方法。施工前先测定出梯田埂线位置和开挖线(图1中为田面中线),施工时上下相邻两台梯田结合同时修筑,表土用铁锹横向分段倒运,每小段宽2—3米,底土用手推车把运,挖上填下,依田面找平(见图1,m为米)。其步骤是:先将1段表土堆放到相邻田面地头,然后挖上填下修平1段,同时筑埂;将2段表土倒到一段铺 In order to speed up the construction of terraced fields and promote the rapid development of agriculture, I have conducted some investigations and experiments on the construction tools and construction methods for trolleys, five-plow plows, bulldozers and artificial terraced fields since 1975, and achieved initial results. First, the trolley to repair terraces In the case of a low degree of mechanization, trolley repair terraces, the current is an easy-to-use, high efficiency, better quality construction methods. (A) equidistant section of the horizontal overturning method Geomorphology, undulating little slope using this method. Before construction, the location and excavation line of the ridge line in the terraced rice fields are determined (the midline of the farmland in Figure 1). During the construction, two adjacent terraced fields are built together at the same time. The topsoil is transversally transported horizontally with shovels, each of which is 2-3 meters wide. Subsoil trolley luck, dig up and fill, according to the field leveling (see Figure 1, m for the meter). The steps are: first pile of surface soil piled up to the adjacent field surface, and then dig to fill the next section of repair, while building 埂;
目的 研究复合PSA在前列腺癌诊断中的应用价值。方法  2 0 0 1年 7月~ 2 0 0 2年 5月总PSA(tPSA)值在 0~ 2 0ng/ml范围的血清共 15 2份 ,病理诊断证实 2 1例为前列腺癌 ,138
简化导流工程,重点问题为过水围堰、砂卵石复盖层处理、围堰结合大坝、预制块安装干砌围堰等。本文拟在这几方面就国内外工程的实践经验简述如下: Simplify the diversion
用四组分分离法和气相色谱模拟实沸点蒸馏分析法对胜利炼油厂延迟焦化循环油的族组成和馏分组成进行了估算,并对不同循环比的油样在 460 ℃下进行了生焦试验。结果表明,循环油的主
氰凝是一种聚氨酯类的化学灌浆材料。由于它与水反应速度快,在应用于油田堵水和封窜时施工较为困难。为此,本文对氰凝进行了改性并探讨了改性后氰凝的性能 Cyanide condensate