
来源 :食品安全质量检测学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fjyasp
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目的构建出口食品生产企业监管要素量化评估模型。方法运用模糊数学综合评价概念,在对出口食品生产企业备案监管要素研究分析的基础上,选取具有代表性的指标体系,并依据模糊数学综合评价法和层次分析法理论,建立层次结构模型、构造判断矩阵、权重的计算和一致性检验,将整个监管指标过程数学化。结果该模型的9个一级监管要素覆盖了出口食品生产企业的全部监管内容,二级、三级监管要素将企业各项监管内容进一步细化,具有科学性和实用性。结论构建的出口食品生产企业监管要素量化评估模型,为检验检疫监管部门提供详细的评估体系。对检验检疫局科学有效地评估企业,指导企业的能力和管理提升很有实用价值,符合现代管理理念,使评价从制度上和实施组织架构上更公正、客观、高效。 Objective To establish a quantitative assessment model of the regulatory elements of export food production enterprises. Methods Applying the concept of fuzzy mathematics comprehensive evaluation, on the basis of the research and analysis of the regulatory factors of filing in export food production enterprises, a representative index system is selected. Based on the fuzzy mathematics comprehensive evaluation method and analytic hierarchy process theory, a hierarchical structure model is constructed. Judgment matrix, weight calculation and consistency test, mathematical process of the entire regulatory indicators. Results The nine first-level regulatory elements of the model covered all the regulatory contents of the export food production enterprises. The second and third-level regulatory elements further refined the various regulatory contents of the enterprises and were scientific and practical. Conclusion The quantitative evaluation model of the regulatory elements of the export food production enterprises is constructed to provide a detailed assessment system for the inspection and quarantine supervisory departments. Inspection and Quarantine Bureau scientifically and effectively evaluate the business, guiding enterprises to enhance their ability and management of great practical value, in line with the concept of modern management, so that the evaluation system and the implementation of organizational structure from the more just, objective and efficient.
<正> 银杏(Ginkgo biloba Linn)为银杏科银杏属的植物,种子药用,称白果。笔者近年来用白果对一些青年患者作了治疗,收到显效,现介绍如下: 白果治疗酒刺的药理酒刺(头面皶泡、
<正> 价值观念的激烈冲突和深刻变革,是当代一种世界性、时代性的思想文化现象。在我们中国,则显得更为突出。价值观念,简称价值观,是人们心目中关于一切价值的信念、信仰、